Event 2010

Indian Buddhist Thought in 6th-7th Century China International Workshop 2010

Date: 2010/3/27-28
Venue: Taipei & Yilan, Taiwan

Project Leader:
Chen-kuo Lin 林 鎮國 (Chengchi University, Taiwan)

1, Yoke Meei Choong 宗 玉媺 (Fo Guang University, Taiwan)
2, Junjie Chu 褚 俊傑 (University of Leipzig, Germany)
3, Toru Funayama 船山 徹 (Kyoto University, Japan)
4, Chien-hsing Ho 何 建興 (Nanhua University, Taiwan)
5, Hans-Rudolf Kantor 康特 (Huafan University, Taiwan)
6, Shoryu Katsura 桂 紹隆 (Ryukoku University, Japan)
7, Ching Keng 耿 晴 (National Chengchi, Taiwan)
8, Dan Lusthaus (Harvard University, USA)
9, John McRae (Stanford University, USA)
10, Charles Muller (University of Tokyo, Japan)
11, Jan Nattier (Soka University, Japan)
12, Michael Radich (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

1. The Early Reception of Pramāṇa Theory in China
Chair: Nattier, Jan
Funayama, Toru: Chinese Translations of Pratyakṣa
Lin, Chen-kuo: Buddhist Epistemology in Sixth-Century China: A Study and Annotated Translation of Jingying Huiyuan (523-592)'s Essay on Three Measurements of Cognition
Katsura, Shoryu: Indian Logic and Metaphysics Found in Kuiji's Cheng weishilun shuji (成唯識論述記) -- A Preliminary Report on His Knowledge of the Sāṃkhya System

2. The Transmission of Indian Buddhism to China
Chair: Funayama, Toru
Nattier, Jan: From An Shigao to Xuanzang: Toward a History of "Translation Policies" in Buddhist Chinese
Choong, Yoke Meei: No-self and Emptiness: Their Roles in Kuiji's Exegesis on the Vajracchedikā
Lusthaus, Dan: Buddhist Logic Comes to East Asia: Wŏnhyo's Pan Biliang lun (判比量論)

3. Issues in Buddhist Epistemology and Philosophy of Language
Chair: Katsura, Shoryu
Chu, Junjie: The Yogācāra Thesis of Mental Awareness Accompanying Sensory Awareness
Ho, Chien-hsing: Jizang on the Nonduality of Speech and Silence

4. Yogācāra in China
Chair: Liu, Kuo-wei
Kantor, Hans-Rudolf: The Transformation of Indian Yogācāra Thought and the Formation of Early Chinese Buddhist Schools
Radich, Michael: Sources of Paramartha's concept of *amalavijnana
Keng, Ching: A Preliminary Re-examination of the Relation between the Awakening of Faith and the Dilun Thought: the Works of Huiyuan (523-592 CE) as a Specimen

5. The Aftermath and the Legacy
Chair: Huang, Yi-hsun
Muller, Charles: Wonhyo's Interpretation and Application of Indian Buddhist Paradigms in His Resolution of Doctrinal Discrepancies (hwajaeng和諍)
McRae, John R.: Indo-immunity -- The resistance of Chinese Chán to recent/contemporaneous innovations based on Indian Buddhism


2010/03/06 14:00 - 17:00

Lecturer: Professor William Magee (Dharma Drum Buddhist College )
Discussant: Professor Hans-Rudolf Kantor 康特 ( Huafan University )

"The Object of Negation (dgag bya) in Tibetan Buddhism: Dolpopa and Tsongkhapa on Ultimate Truth"

About the lecturer:
William Magee received his doctorate in Tibetan Studies from the University of Virginia, where he taught Tibetan language for thirteen years at the UVA Summer Language Institute. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of North Carolina Greensboro for three years and currently is Assistant Professor of Tibetan Studies at Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan, where he teaches in the graduate school. Magee is the co-author (with Elizabeth Napper) of Fluent Tibetan: a Proficiency-oriented Language Learning System and the author of The Nature of Things. Recently he published a novel entitled She Still Lives about a future female Dalai Lama. Magee is editor of the Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal and director of the "Hopkins Tibetan Treasures Multimedia Research Archive". He has published numerous academic articles and is working on a book about Middle Way Consequence hermeneutics in Tibet. He has a wife, two children, and a granddaughter.

2010/04/10 14:00 - 17:00

Lecturer: Ben-sheng Liao ( Dharma Drum Buddhist College )
Discussant: Chien-hsing Ho ( Nanhua University )

Invited Lectures on “New Horizons in Yogâcāra Studies”
2010/06/11-12 10:00 - 17:00

講者:Robert Kritzer (Kyoto Notre Dame University, Kyoto, Japan)
Part I: Dārṣṭāntika/Sautrāntika and the Yogācārabhūmi
譬喻師/經量部與《瑜伽師地論》兩講 (Reading 1, Audio 1)( Reading 2, Audio 2
Part II: The Garbhâvakrāntisūtra, a Buddhist Embryological Text
《入母胎經》:關於胚胎學的佛典( Reading, Audio

講者:Mario D'Amato (Rollins College, Florida, U.S.A.)
Philosophical Approaches to Yogācāra Thought
切入唯識思想的哲學進路 (閱讀材料請來信索取: buddhismstudy@yahoo.com.tw
Philosophical themes from the Madhyântavibhāga(I)
Philosophical themes from the Madhyântavibhāga(II)
( Audio )
Buddhist Fictionalism
( Audio )

About the lecturers:

Robert Kritzer (Ph.D. UC Berkeley) is Professor at Kyoto Notre Dame University. He specializes in abhidharma and early Yogācāra, and is the author of two books, Rebirth and Causation in the Yogācāra Abhidharma (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 44. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 1999) and Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi: Yogācāra Elements in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph Series 12. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2005). He has written on the intermediate existence (antarābhava) and accounts of childbirth in Indian Buddhism, as well as on the meaning of the term Sautrāntika. Other interests include the relation between Buddhism and the Indian medical tradition. He spent the winter term of 2006 at McGill University as a Numata visiting professor. Currently, he is preparing a critical edition and annotated translation of the Tibetan translation of the Garbhāvakrāntisūtra found in the Mūlasarvāstivādavinaya Kṣudrakavastu.

Robert Kritzer目前為日本京都聖母大學教授,專門領域為阿毘達磨與初期瑜伽行派。他著有《Rebirth and Causation in the Yogācāra Abhidharma》與《Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi: Yogācāra Elements in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya》,也寫過文章討論中有(antarābhava)以及印度佛教對於生產的看法。其他興趣包含佛教與印度醫療傳統的關係。

Mario D'Amato (BA, Loyola University Chicago; MA and PhD, University of Chicago) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Rollins College. Before arriving at Rollins, he taught at Hampshire College (Amherst, MA, USA). D'Amato specializes in the study of Mahāyāna philosophy, with a particular focus on the Yogācāra school, and has published papers on Yogācāra thought in Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Journal of Indian Philosophy, Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, and Semiotica. He is currently completing a book-length study and translation of a Yogācāra doctrinal treatise known as the Madhyāntavibhāga (Distinguishing the Middle from the Extremes). (quoted from Religion Compass: http://www.blackwell-compass.com/subject/religion/article_biog?article_id=reco_articles_bpl083 )

Mario D'Amato現為羅琳斯學院哲學與宗教系副教授,在此之前亦層任教於罕布什爾學院。專長於大乘哲學,特別是瑜伽行派,並於許多著名期刊發表文章,其《辯中邊論》的研究與翻譯已即將完成。

PrePanels 導讀座談

2010/05/15 14:00 - 17:00
"Introduction" in Robert Kritzer, Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi: Yogācāra Elements in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Tokyo: Intl. Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2005).
Robert Kritzer, 2005. “Sautrāntika in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya.” In Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 26.2: 331-384.
Robert Kritzer, "Life in the Womb: Conception and Gestation in Buddhist Scripture and Classical Indian Medical Literature." In Jane Marie Law, Vanessa R Sasson Ed. Imagining the Fetus: The Unborn in Myth, Religion, and Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).

2010/05/29 14:00 - 17:00
"Part One" and "Part Two, Chapter 1" in Mario D'Amato, Distinguishing the Middle from the Extremes: A Study and Annotated Translation of the Madhyāntavibhāga, Along with Its Commentary, the Madhyāntavibhāgabhāṣya. To be published by the American Institute of Buddhist Studies.
Mario D'Amato, "Buddhist Fictionalism," Paper draft.

The Early Development of Indian Buddhist Tantra:
Innovations, Practices, and Textual Relationships

Steven Weinberger (University of Virginia)
Date: 2010/11/19 14:00-16:00
Vanue: 政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室
Readings ( -1-, -2- )


A discussion of the major developments in early Indian Buddhist tantra and the texts that present them. Tantric innovations include deity yoga, the use of violence and sex, and the central place of ritual, with a particular emphasis on the Compendium of Principles (Sarva-tathāgata-tattvasaṃgraha), the tantra texts associated with it, and its relationship to earlier and later Buddhist tantras.

Lecture Series: Buddhist Philosophers and Their Indian Interlocutors
2011/01/07~08 10AM-5PM ( Agenda )

John Taber (University of New Mexico) ( Readings )
How Should We Read Buddhist Philosophical Texts?
The Fundamentals of Dharmakirti's Ontology
Dharmakirti and the Mimamsakas

Parimal G. Patil (Harvard University) ( Readings )
Can the future tell us what the past was about? Buddhist and Brahmanical philosophy at Vikramaśīla.
On how to debate with a Buddhist.
Buddhist philosophy and Buddhist practice.

About the Lecturers:

John Taber 教授為國際知名之研究中世紀前期印度哲學的專家,尤其專精彌曼沙(Mīmāṃsā)學派最重要的哲學家Kumārila Bhaṭṭa (七世紀)以及不二吠檀多學派(Advaita Vedānta)。在佛教哲學方面,則特別擅長佛教知識論傳統,包括世親、陳那、法稱等,同時兼治佛教與婆羅門哲學間的論辯與對話。其專著《A Hindu critique of Buddhist epistemology: Kumārila on Perception. The "Determination of perception" chapter of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika, translation and commentary》以及多篇學術論文,蜚聲國際。

Parimal G. Patil 教授為年輕一輩印度哲學學者中的佼佼者,專研中世紀後期印度哲學,尤其是在7-11世紀以 Jñānaśrīmitra 與 Ratnakīrti 為首的佛教哲學家與印度教哲學家之間的論辯。其兩本專著《Against a Hindu God: Buddhist Philosophy of Religion in India》與《Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India: Jñānaśrīmitra on Exclusion》已經成為此領域的代表作。此外,Patil 教授也特別關心哲學取徑在宗教研究中的定位,並嘗試回答哲學研究如何對宗教研究做出貢獻的問題。

PrePanels 導讀座談
2010/10/09 2PM-5PM
Parimal G. Patil, Against a Hindu God, Chapter 2. (pdf)(王倩文 ppt、耿晴 pdf 導讀)
Parimal G. Patil, Against a Hindu God, Chapter 6. (pdf)(鄧偉仁導讀)

2010/11/13 2PM-5PM
Lawrence J. McCrea and Parimal G. Patil, Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India, Introduction. (林恕安導讀)
John Taber, "Mīmāṃsā and the Eternality of Language."(嚴瑋泓導讀)
(閱讀材料請來信索取: buddhismstudy@yahoo.com.tw

2010/12/18 2PM-5PM
Georges B. J. Dreyfus, Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations, Chapters 2-4 (pdf)(陳洵美 pdf、孫亞柏 pdf、汪純瑩 link 導讀)
L. Schmithausen, "A Note on the Origin of Ahimsa." ( pdf )

Event 2010的論壇文章
[ 發表文章 ]
Re: Lecture: Ben-sheng Liao on Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology 歸去來2015/12/26
印度佛教之早期密續的發展:創新、修行與文獻間的關係 gustav2010/11/08
Lecture Series: Buddhist Philosophers and Their Indian Interlocutors gustav2010/09/26
Re: Invited Lectures on “New Horizons in the Yogâcāra Buddhism” / 2010/06/11-12 apophasis2010/09/18
Re: Invited Lectures on “New Horizons in the Yogâcāra Buddhism” / 2010/06/11-12 gustav2010/09/18
Re: Invited Lectures on “New Horizons in the Yogâcāra Buddhism” / 2010/06/11-12 apophasis2010/09/18
Invited Lectures on “New Horizons in the Yogâcāra Buddhism” / 2010/06/11-12 gustav2010/04/27
2010 Workshop rounded off! gustav2010/03/30
Lecture: Ben-sheng Liao on Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology gustav2010/03/23
[Venue Changed] The venue of William Magee's lecture has been changed! gustav2010/03/05
Lecturer: Professor William Magee (Dharma Drum Buddhist College) gustav2010/02/11
[ 瀏覽文章 ]

Event 2010的分類地圖

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