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[科技應用]車牌辨識系統 協助車禍肇事偵查工作

分類標籤: 科技文摘
車牌辨識系統 協助車禍肇事偵查工作

工研院一名員工在2008年四月間車禍死亡,肇禍司機當場逃逸,警方調閱監視畫面發現肇事車牌影像模糊難辨,死者工研院同事為了揪出兇手,利用工研院所研發的「智慧車牌辨識系統」進行解析,與警方合力抓出兇手。該系統最大特點,在於能在一、兩秒內辨識出人眼難以辨別、像車牌影像這樣小範圍的模糊影像,分析產出參考車號。 2008年十二月29日,工研院正式將這套系統捐贈給警政署刑事警察局,以及台北縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市與苗栗縣五縣市警察局,讓先進的影像分析技術協助警方掌握關鍵事證。

License Plate Recognition System Help with the Investigation of Hit-and-Run Accidents

An employee of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan (R.O.C.) died in a hit-and-run accident in April, 2008. In order to get the troublemaker, the police investigated the monitor recording, which however was too blurred. The associates of the victim in ITRI analyzed the blurred image with their own development, the license plate recognition system, and successfully helped the police get the troublemaker. The system can distinguish in one to two seconds the details of an image, which are hardly recognizable to human eyes, in small scope such as a license plate. With the ability, the system can analyze the monitor recording and output probable numbers. On 29th-December, 2008, ITRI donated the system to the Criminal Investigation Bureau, the Taipei County Police Bureau, Taoyuan County Police Bureau, Hsinchu County Police Bureau, Hsinchu City Police Bureau and Miaoli County Police Bureau. There might be more and more police bureaux supported with this new technology.


1. 中國時報 2008.12.30 

2. 系統簡介/ System Introduction:
中文: http://www.whitepebble.com.tw/TChinese/index.htm
English : http://www.whitepebble.com.tw/English/index.htm

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 06:29PM by mepoadm.


分類標籤: 科技文摘
研發此技術的工研院技術團隊目前獨立出來,成立礫程科技股份有限公司,推廣及研發團隊研發之車牌辨識系統(License Plate Recognition System)。

此系統目前已經成功導入韓國停車場管理市場。並已在台灣及韓國停車場管理市場安裝推廣超過200套以上。目前合作廠商台灣震旦行、盟立、寰亞、中國菱電、安德生、優聯、伸格、宏奇電子、中華電腦中心、韓國 MISCO等公司。

