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[Academic] NTU's Global Ranking Keeps Climbing

gustav 829 11/08/2009 12:22AM

[Academic] Academician Henry Yang Elected Chairman of the Association of American Universities

gustav 1,155 11/04/2009 04:04PM

[Report of Honor] NTU Professor Liang-Gee CHEN Awarded 2009TWAS Prize in the Engineering Sciences

gustav 791 11/03/2009 11:03PM

[Infotech] Chunghwa Telecom's Hami Book Makes Spectacular Debut

gustav 1,441 10/30/2009 11:46AM

[Academic Activity] Industry and Academia Come Together to Discuss Technology, Innovation and Social Responsibility

gustav 941 10/30/2009 10:54AM

[Climate Change] Academia Sinica's Research Center for Environmental Changes Predicts Large Changes in Extreme Rainfall Due to Global Warming, Especially in Taiwan

gustav 1,486 10/27/2009 10:21PM

[Infotech][Computer Science] Taiwan Presents the First Super PC in the World Which Is Ten Times Efficient than the Traditional Super Computer

gustav 963 10/27/2009 05:17PM

[International Cooperation] To Enhance Taiwan's International Visibility, NCCU Invites Globally Outstanding Buddhism Study Researchers to An International Workshop

gustav 1,216 10/27/2009 12:00AM

[Bio-tech] Algae's DHA Content Ten Times Higher than Fish, NCKU Has Succeeded in Extraction

gustav 1,027 10/26/2009 10:39PM

[Astronomy] Astronomers Find New Type of Explosive Outflow in the Orion Nebula

gustav 2,050 10/26/2009 09:27PM

[Report of Honor] TWAS Elects 3 Academicians at Academia Sinica as Members, 4 More Taiwan Scholars Receive Prizes

gustav 1,733 10/25/2009 08:49PM

[Popular Sci-Education][Post-disaster Reconstruction] NSC Solicits Popular Sci-education Projects for Morakot Victims

gustav 2,170 10/20/2009 12:06PM

[Astronomy] Asteroid Kaohsiung, the First Asteroid Discovered by Amateur Astronomer in Taiwan

gustav 1,645 10/19/2009 10:27PM

[Industrial][Infotech & Internet] The Most Spectacular Broadband Show About to Take Place in Taiwan in October

gustav 822 10/18/2009 11:05PM

[Disaster Management] Scientists: Seismograph Can Be Used to Monitor Mudslide

gustav 964 10/16/2009 10:46PM