多明尼加 Larimar 的歷史演變
泰諾族消失後再也喚不回,不過,Larimar仍在那裏。1961年,曾學過地質學的西班牙傳教士Miguel Fuentes Loren又發現了Larimar的蹤跡。當時他的責任區正離Larimar的礦區不遠,就像泰諾族一樣,Loren也深受這美麗、不尋常的寶石所感動。他送了些Larimar標本到西班牙的地質學研究機構去分析,可惜的是Loren離開後,Larimar又被人遺忘。等到1974年,美國和平組織的志工 Norman Reily也對這藍色寶石產生興趣,Reily找上當地的地質學家Miguel Mendez,請他研究分析這種礦物。
個性羅曼蒂克的 Miguel 就用他女兒的名字「Larisa」在加上「Mar」(此字在西班牙文中意為海洋)為這寶石命名。Larimar 的名字就是這麼來的。另一方面,Miguel 也覺得這種美麗的寶石可以運用在珠寶設計上,所以他就介紹這種寶石給當地的珠寶設計師,提供他們在設計和鑲造時多一種選擇。於是 Larimar 漸漸為當地人所知。
當地詩人曾為 Larimar 寫一段詩篇:
Larimar 礦區
到礦區的路很差,一般的車子無法行走,得用四輪傳動的車子才能到得了礦區。雨季時的濕滑更增加行駛的困難,所以礦區與外界的交通並不便利。一般人要前往並不容易。Larimar 礦區位於山頂上,該地的地形是由於牙買加延伸過來的火山群,碰到西斯旁鈕拉島的西南端擠壓而成的,現在發現蘊藏 Larimar 的礦區加起來不超過一平方公里。採礦的方式還是以人工用十字揪和鏟子挖掘垂直的坑,然後用吊桶把挖的東西吊上來。坑的深度大概30尺,有時會深至50尺。在1992年時,因為太多採礦時所留下的坑洞,加上碰到雨季使得土壤含水量大增,所以整個山坡坍下來,這樣的嚴重傷害使得採礦幾乎停頓了3年。到了 1995年,Virgilio Garcia和Juan Pequeno重新開始開礦的工作。Juan的家族以前在西班牙開採煤礦,所以他開礦的地一個工作就是挖隧道,再以支架撐起,用抽水馬達把水抽出來,這才讓開礦變得較安全,產量也較穩定。
現在已有一些設計師開始用 Larimar 做成飾品,鑲成的戒指、項鍊,散發寧靜和諧的感覺,像是徜徉在碧海藍天之中,帶給生活在都市中的現代人一個美麗的窗口。
摘自 《侏羅紀石頭大百科》
Larimar is also called the Atlantis Stone, because a Spiritual Master who once lived in Trinidad & Tobago and who founded many Yoga Centres in the Caribbean, United States, Australia, and South America claimed some islands in the Caribbean, particularly the Dominican Republic, were in fact part of the sunken continent Atlantis.
Edgar Cayce, “The Sleeping Prophet” (1877 - 1945), indicated that part of Atlantis could be found in the Caribbean. He also indicated that one would find a blue stone with extraordinary healing attributes, a description that corresponds to Larimar.
Other sources in Europe have ratified the widespread belief that the island where Haiti and the Dominican Republic are situated, was indeed part of the Atlantis continent.
It is well known that the Larimar gemstone, the blue beauty of the Caribbean, exists only in one region in the world, close to Baoruco, province of Barahona, Dominican Republic, not far from the border to Haiti, and hence the popularisation of the name Atlantis Stone.
In Europe in the 1980s, Larimar was commonly known as the Atlantis Stone and even today, customers at mineral and gem shows as well as Metaphysical shows and events, often refer to and seek the Atlantis Stone, rather than Larimar.
Many believe that the colours of Larimar also represent a trace to Atlantis and there are books about Atlantis that mention Larimar as an important tool for healing work.
Mother Earth gave this special gemstone to human beings in the seventies, and the appearance of Larimar coincides with the emergence of information about Atlantis.
Sensitive persons can feel and see the information about Atlantis carried by Larimar. Today, there are thousands of people - naturalists and those who practice alternative and holistic healing methods - who use Larimar to assist and reinforce the healing process.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2011 09:16PM by mimizorro.