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What is THIS? "This" forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.

Posted by HP 
In section 1, Kant wrote:

Here the presentation is referred only to the subject, namely, to his feeling of life, under the name feeling of pleasure and displeasure, and this forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.

I am wondering: what specifically "this" refers to?

Also, I am wondering is that Kant really use "under the name" of pleasure and displeasure. It seems he uses "the name" on purpose.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2010 03:53AM by HP.

German original: Hier wird die Vorstellung gänzlich auf das Subjekt, und zwar auf das Lebensgefühl desselben, unter dem Namen des Gefühls der Lust oder Unlust, bezogen: welches ein ganz besonderes Unterscheidungs - und Beurteilungsvermögen gründet, das ...

Pluhar's English translation: Here the presentation is referred only to the subject, namely, to his feeling of life, under the name feeling of pleasure and displeasure, and this forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.

1. Pluhar's "this" refers to the subject, as well as, more specifically, the feeling of life. According to the German original, "this" is the translation of the neutral relational pronoun "welches" which can be taken to refer to the antecedent neural noun(s) "das Subjekt", "das Lebensgefühl" or "des Gefühls." Since these neutral nouns are appositives and share the same gender, they all could be taken to be the referent of "whecles". To understand the sentence, we can think as the following:
It is the subject, namely, the feeling of life (in the subject) which is better specified under the name of the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, that forms the basis of the very special power of discriminating and judging.

2. "Name" is not an emphasis here; it is "the feeling of pleasure and displeasure" that matters here. Kant tries to indicate that the "feeling of life" is better understood with, or further specified by, the name of "feeling of pleasure and displeasure" here.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2010 11:14AM by gustav.