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Message: What is THIS? "This" forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.

Changed By: HP
Change Date: April 06, 2010 03:53AM

What is THIS? "This" forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.
In section 1, Kant wrote:

Here the presentation is referred only to the subject, namely, to his feeling of life, under the name feeling of pleasure and displeasure, and <b>this forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging</b>.

I am wondering: what specifically "this" refers to?

Also, I am wondering is that Kant really use "under the name" of pleasure and displeasure. It seems he uses "the name" on purpose.

Original Message

雿: HP
Date: April 06, 2010 02:55AM

What is THIS? "This" forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.
In section 1, Kant wrote:

Here the presentation is referred only to the subject, namely, to his feeling of life, under the name of pleasure and displeasure, and this forms the basis of a very special power of discriminating and judging.

I am wondering: what specifically "this" refers to?

Also, I am wondering is that Kant really use "under the name" of pleasure and displeasure. It seems he uses "the name" on purpose.