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[Design] 《IJD》 Enhances Taiwan's Research Capacity in Design

Posted by techman 
[Design] 《IJD》 Enhances Taiwan's Research Capacity in Design (Chinese Version)

Awakening News Network (2011/07/06) Taiwan's International Journal of Design was approved in this April to become the globally first design journal indexed in all of the major three journal indices, namely, SCI, SSCI and A&HCI, at the same time. This four-year-old journal aims at providing an international and intercultural forum for the exchange of ideas and findings and encouraging the research on the impact of cultural factors on design theory and practice. Editor-in-Chief Lin-Lin CHEN said, with the journal, Taiwan could become influential on the development of the design issues and the discipline at the globe level.

Editor-in-Chief as well as the founder of IJD Lin-Lin CHEN, Professor at Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, pointed out that the purpose of the journal is to accumulate the design knowledge for the readers and to create an opportunity for the local scholars to absorb the variant perspectives and ideas from the scholars all over the world by paper-reviewing, so that Taiwan's research capacity in design could be cultivated.

The three-issue-per-year journal released the first issue in April, 2007. Now this journal has become the globally first design journal that is indexed in the major three international journal indices at the same time. By this April, more than 500 papers from over forty countries have been submitted to thee journal, while the acceptance rate is under 20%.

What is special about IJD is that this journal emphasizes “practice.” Lin-Lin CHEN said, for the long-term consideration of the development of artistic design, beside of praising the spontaneous brilliant ideas, the designer needs to keep down the concrete conception behind the ideas and make them communicable between generations.

IJD receives National Science Council's fund for one million NT dollars per year. NSC Deputy Minister Ching-Fong CHANG said, Lin-Lin CHEN's courage to found the international journal is very admirable; in the era of creativity, we can count the journal as one case of Taiwan miracle.

Related Website:
International Journal of Design: http://www.ijdesign.org/

Further Information:
Awakening News Networks 2011/07/06 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2011 10:41AM by techman.