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[UK] 英國藝術暨人文研究委員會宣稱藝術領域之研究比科學領域傑出 AHRC claims arts research outperforms science

出處:國科會國合處簡訊網 http://stn.nsc.gov.tw/

英國藝術暨人文研究委員會(the Arts and Humanities Research Council)最近進行的一項研究指出,英國藝術與人文研究者的表現比科學領域研究者還要傑出,不論是單就研究本身的品質來看,亦或是在世界上的研究表現。該委員會進一步強調,英國藝術與人文領域不但帶領世界發展,所帶給英國境內的社會與經濟價值更是不容忽視。

近來藝術與人文的研究價值受到挑戰,一些人質疑該領域的研究補助是否有存在的必要性,為此藝術暨人文研究委員會提出此份調查報告加以反駁-『帶領世界:英國藝術與人文研究之經濟效益』,同時也希望此報告能有效呈現藝術與人文的研究貢獻,在政府即將進行的『全面支出評鑑回顧』(Comprehensive Spending Review)中提供強而有利的說詞,進而保障日後的研究補助。


報告總結:以學術表現來說,英國藝術與人文研究者所貢獻的學術論文約佔世界總量的33%(美國約37%),相較之下英國科學界則僅佔10%,英國藝術與人文研究者的表現明顯優於科學研究者;此外,根據最近的大學研究評鑑(Research Assessment Exercise)結果來看,英國藝術與人文研究者的『世界級研究』比例亦比其他領域高。就經濟價值而言,委員會撥給藝術與人文的研究補助中,每1英鎊短期內估計可回收10英鎊的效益,長期效益則可達25-30英鎊。報告最後另增列藝術與人文研究所創造的文化效益,例如:造就一個融合的英國社會、提供優質電台節目(Radio 4)供社會大眾收聽等。


Title: AHRC claims arts research outperforms science
Author: Science and Technology Division in the UK
Source: NSC International Cooperation Sco-tech Newsbrief http://stn.nsc.gov.tw/


A study from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) suggests that arts and humanities researchers are outperforming their counterparts in the sciences, both in terms of their presence on the world stage and quality of their output. It also stresses that the UK research in this field not only leads the world but also brings substantial economic and social impact to the British society.

The report, Leading the World: The Economic Impact of UK Arts and Humanities Research, comes after questions are raised on whether the arts and humanities were adequately making the case for continued public support. The study makes the case to convince the Government of the merits of their fields in the run-up to the next Comprehensive Spending Review.

Three questions addressed in the report are: why arts and humanities research is important, why the public should continue to pay for it, and why it should be funded through the AHRC.

The report concluded that academically, arts and humanities researchers in the UK are outperforming their science counterparts by generating 33 percent of the world’s scholarly papers (the US 37%), while scientific researchers only produces 10 percent of the world’s scholarly papers. It also pointed out that in the recent research assessment exercise arts and humanities researchers had the highest proportion of ‘world-leading’ work. In terms of economic impact, it is estimated that every pound invested in research by the AHRC yields 10 pounds in the short term and another 15-20 pounds in the long term. Moreover, the cultural benefits are also stated in the report, from making the UK a cohesive society to providing good listening on Radio 4.

On the other hand, the report provides a new model for measuring its economic impact, straddling ‘economic’ and ’civic’ capital. According to its estimation, about 12 percent of the UK economy is associated with the creative and cultural industries, which comes directly from the UK’s unique cultural ecosystem. Arts and humanities research forms a big driver in the system; therefore, without proper funding to this field, the economy and society and public services will suffer in consequence.