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Medicine 作者 Views 發表時間

[Molecular Biology] Taiwan Scientists Develop Bio-nanotechnology Platform to Capture and Detect Bacteria in Blood Samples without Using Time-Consuming Culture Processes

techman 3,165 12/21/2011 05:11PM

[Stem Cell] NTU Research Team Publishes Findings about Key Factor of Erythropoiesis in 《Stem Cells》

techman 3,548 10/26/2011 12:07PM

[Report of Honor] Academician Ding-Shinn Chen receives 2011 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Distinguished Clinician Educator/Mentor Award

techman 3,056 10/26/2011 09:45AM

[Medicine] NHRI Identifies Significant Diagnostic Criterion for Lupus Erythematosus

techman 4,676 10/22/2011 01:36AM

[Medicine] Possible Cure for Osteoporosis Found in Taiwan

techman 1,719 10/09/2011 05:38PM

[Medicine] NTU's Significant Breakthrough in Anti-cancer Drugs Published in 《Science》

techman 2,044 07/26/2011 02:06AM


dolly8050 3,152 07/15/2011 06:55PM

[Medicine] Advanced Testing Benefits Diagnosis and Study of Neuropathic Pain: NTU

techman 1,219 06/14/2011 09:59AM

[Physiology] NCKU Landmark Project: Systematic Investigation of Roles of Hypoxia Inducible Factor in Diseases: Searching for a Common Cause of Multiple Malignancies

techman 1,787 05/16/2011 01:23PM

[International Cooperation][Medicine] Singapore Agency and Taiwan Hospitals Team up on Medical Technology

techman 1,280 02/21/2011 08:04PM

[Medicine][Biotechnolgy] NCKU Developed Taiwan’s First Proactive Cancer Treatment System First-Generation Prototype

techman 213,940 01/26/2011 12:39PM

[Stem Cell] Glycosphingolipids Undergo Change in Structure during Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells -- Indicated by Research Team of Academia Sinica

techman 1,879 12/18/2010 12:26AM

[Medicine] National Taiwan University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Co-establishes the “Joint Center for Clinical Research”

techman 1,108 12/15/2010 09:24AM

[Interdisciplinary][epidemiology][information] Scientists Refine Disease-Simulation System to Predict Spread of Influenza in Taiwan

techman 1,218 11/16/2010 01:44PM

[International Cooperation][Medicine] Taiwan-Canada Cooperation Succeeds in Inventing Miniature Fluorescent Virus Detector

gustav 2,287 08/19/2010 03:43PM

Cancer 作者 Views 發表時間

[Medicine] China Medical University Research Teams Make Progress in New Drugs

gustav 3813 05/22/2010 01:10PM

[International Cooperation][Medicine] NCKU PhD Student's New Finding about Androgen Receptor's Effect on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Drew International Attention

gustav 3391 05/23/2010 07:50PM

[Medicine] Chawnshang Chang's Research Team Stationed in China Medical University

gustav 3684 05/25/2010 08:53PM

[International Cooperation][Medicine] National Taiwan University's “OncoNet Anti-cancer New Drug Program Started

gustav 1165759 05/25/2010 10:14AM

[Medicine] China Medical University Invents Novel Anti-cancer Drug

gustav 3884 03/17/2010 12:51AM

Diabetes 作者 Views 發表時間

[Medicine] China Medical University Research Teams Make Progress in New Drugs

gustav 3813 05/22/2010 01:10PM

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Hematology 作者 Views 發表時間


dolly8050 3152 07/15/2011 06:55PM

[醫學] 解析胎兒與母體血型關係之分子機制 臺大生科團隊研究成果榮登血液學頂尖期刊

gustav 5834 03/16/2010 11:24PM

[Medicine] The Molecular Mechanism of the Maternal-fetal Blood Group Relationship Unfolded, NTU Research Team's Result Published in 《Blood》

gustav 4544 03/16/2010 11:22PM

Parkinsonism 作者 Views 發表時間

[Medicine] The Third Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cells Research Held in Taichung, Introducing New Parkinsonism Treatment

gustav 4392 04/19/2010 10:10AM

Psychiatry 作者 Views 發表時間

[Molecular Psychiatry] Taiwan Scientists Identify Four Genes Associated with Increased Susceptibility to Bipolar I Disorder in Han Chinese

gustav 4896 04/14/2010 10:07AM