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[佛曲分享] 《行願無窮》佛法音樂會: Serenity 寧靜/歐陽瑤芝

《行願無窮》佛法音樂會: Serenity 寧靜
主唱/ 鋼琴:歐陽瑤芝

影片時間 : 6:13
觀看次數 : 3681
類目 : 佛教音樂 / 歌曲
上載日期 : 2010-10-20
提供者 : Buddhistdoor


Inner serenity comes from development, of love and compassion.

It is a heightened state of awareness, when the body and mind, become especially flexible and receptive.

Greed and anger, ignorance and arrogance, Doubt and wrong conceptions, can be restrained by a serene and compassionate heart.

A disciplined and calm mind is a serene mind. It is a mind free of mental unhappiness, dissatisfaction, hatred and anger. A serene mind is a virtuous mind.

When we free ourselves of desire, free ourselves of desire, we will know serenity and freedom, serenity and freedom.

Inner serenity comes from development of love and compassion.

It is a heightened state of awareness, when the body and mind, become especially flexible and receptive.

Greed and anger, ignorance and arrogance, doubt and wrong conceptions can be restrained by a serene and compassionate heart.

When we free ourselves of desire, free ourselves of desire, we will know serenity and freedom, serenity and freedom.

Serenity and freedom.

內心的寧靜, 來自爱心與悲愍的開展, 这是醒觉中最高的境域.

当身心達致 灵活及融洽


自制及平穩的心即是寧靜心, 这是一顆擺脫心神不安、遠離不滿、仇恨及憤怒的心。寧靜的心即圣潔心。

当我们不受欲望的束縛,就能体会寧靜和自在, 寧靜及自在

內心的寧靜, 來自爱心與悲愍的開展, 这是醒觉中最高的境域, 当身心達致, 灵活及融洽.

贪婪與愤怒,无知與狂傲, 疑惑與邪见, 皆被寧靜及大悲心所御制


寧靜及自在, 寧靜及自在

*English 旁白

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2011 08:49AM by 那些子.