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[Sci-Tech Policy][Information] MoEA Shows Determination to Support WiMAX

Posted by gustav 
[Sci-Tech Policy][Information] MoEA Shows Determination to Support WiMAX (Chinese Version)

The Liberty Times, udn.com (2010/07/21) & Now News (2010/07/20) To respond to the stir concerning Intel's vacillation about its commitment to WiMAX, Ministry of Economic Affairs held a press conference, hosted by Vice-Minister Jung-Chiou HWANG, on July 20, stressing that Taiwan has to continue the development of WiMAX and that the government will fully support the development; he pointed out, if Intel withdraws and breaches the MOU (signed in 2005), the present situation must be effected; however, given so, the out-come value of the change to Taiwan is not necessarily negative.

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) and LTE (Long Term Evolution, namely, commonly called “Super 3G” or “3.9G”) are two mainstream ultimate wireless broadband technologies, together entitled 4 G. The provision of WiMAX networking in Taiwan has begun for a while, while the commoditization of LTE is planned to emerge in 2017. (For more details, please refer to The Liberty Times, in Chinese.)

According to the survey of
The Liberty Times, the government with the M-Taiwan Program (Mobile Taiwan Applications Promotion Program, in English) has invested seven billion NT dollars in WiMAX, and with the 14 billion NT dollars the six WiMAX-licensed tele-communication companies have together put in and the five billion NT dollars the infrastructure providers have put in, Taiwan's direct total investment has reached twenty-six billion NT dollars.

The causative ground for WiMAX's being centered in M-Taiwan Program is the MOU between Intel and the Ministry of Economic Affairs on October 18, 2005, according to which both parties have to cooperate on the WiMAX provision in Taiwan. Following that, the Legislative Yuan passed M-Taiwan Program Act in 2007, according to which the Ministry of Economic Affairs needs to spend seven billion NT dollars while the Ministry of the Interior thirty billion NT dollars on the provision of the optical fiber trenches.

However, Intel told the press a few days ago that its WiMAX promotion office might be merged, which induced the suspicion about Intel's lack of resolution in WiMAX industry. Local enterprises in Taiwan worried about the chain reactions and even questioned the government's resolution as well. To resolve the stir, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Jung-Chiou HWANG held the press conference on July 20, showing the government's determination to fully support WiMAX development.

In order to pressure Intel into the commitment to its own promise in the MOU, the Ministry of Economic Affairs is considering to turn to ARM, one of Intel's competitors, requesting for its authorization to Taiwan's chip manufacturers such as Mediatek and VIA Technologies, intending to form a mobile device processor alliance with non-Intel forces to topple Intel's dominant position in processor industry.

Further Information:
The Liberty Times 2010/07/21 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2010/07/21 (Chinese)
Now News 2010/07/20 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2010 05:28PM by gustav.