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[Wildlife Conservation] First Case of GPS Application on Sambar Investigation in Asia

Posted by gustav 
[Wildlife Conservation] First Case of GPS Application on Sambar Investigation in Asia (Chinese Version)

BCC News (2009/12/28) Dr. Ying WANG (王穎) at National Park Association in Taiwan, appointed by Taroko National Park Headquarters to conduct the habitat and life-pattern investigation on Formosan Sambar, has recently succeeded in capturing five Sambar deer and installing GPS collars on them to track their life patterns, which has been hailed as a milestone in Taiwan's wild Sambar investigation and has made the first record in Asia.

Source: Taroko National Park Headquarters

According to Taroko National Park Headquarters, due to the harsh climate and the vast expanse of the sample plots, it is extremely difficult to manage the wireless tracking and so far there is little findings regarding the Sambar investigation in Taiwan for further analysis. The success of capturing Sambar deer and putting GPS trackers on them has made the first record in Asia; based upon the experience, it is expected that with more and more Sambar deer installed with GPS trackers, hopefully we will obtain more information about the patterns of the Sambar's activity, habitat selection, migration, habitat contest etc. Initially, it is reported that the major habitats of Formosan Sambar center around Taroko National Park, especially in the mountain areas of Cilai (奇萊), Panshi (磐石), Nanhu (南湖), and Kaijin Old Tribe Site (凱金舊社).

Contact Information:
Taroko National Park Headquarters
+886-3-8612528; tarokonp@taroko.gov.tw
National Park Association in Taiwan
+886-2-2577-8725; cnps@ms31.hinet.net

Further Information:
Dr. Ying WANG's Homepage
BCC News 2009/12/28

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2009 10:21PM by gustav.