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[Bio-Medical] Taida Presents Novel Techniques of Hair Follicle Regeneration

Posted by gustav 
[Bio-Medical] Taida Presents Novel Techniques of Hair Follicle Regeneration (Chinese Version)

According to NowNews (2009/06/02), via the four-year effort of National Health Research Institutes, NHRI, and NTU Hospital, it is possible now to replant certain microtissue which is cultured from the dermal papilla cells taken from the subject and able to solicit hair follicle generation, in order to regenerate healthy hair follicles in the subject's derma. It takes only about five weeks at best to grow hair.

Assitant Professor Sung-Jan LIN uses the method of tissue engineering, namely, “hair follicle regeneration” to better the traditional hair follicle substitution operation, which is characterized as robbing Peter to pay Paul. Sung-Jan LIN takes the dermal papilla cells from the healthy hair follicles from the subject, and then produces a great volume of revulsive microtissue for regeneration by means of some bioreactor. After that, the microtissue is relocated back to the subject's derma. The whole process takes about thirty days. In the animal experiments, two weeks after the microtissue is relocated in the bare mice's derma, the new hair grows successfully. At present the research is still at the stage of animal experiments. It is estimated, however, that entering the stage of human clinical experiments takes at least ten more years.

Further Information:
NowNews 2009/06/02 (Chinese)