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[Popular Science Education] 400 Years of Heaven Gazing, NSC 2009 Science Season About to Start

Posted by gustav 
[Popular Science Education] 400 Years of Heaven Gazing, NSC 2009 Science Season About to Start (Chinese Version)

National Educational Radio (2009/07/27) Hosted by NSC, “2009 Science Season: 400 Years of Heaven Gazing” is about to begin since 8th-Aug. To 13th-Sep. at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. The exhibition includes 10 themed zones, such as “Starry Corridor” and “Remote Observing Center,” and 31 exhibits. The exhibits are demonstrated in forms of 3D projection, virtual reality, multimedia theater etc., putting the participants in a mimic yet vivid mysterious universe.

Riding on the trend of the 400th anniversary of Kepler's telescoping the universe, NSC, combining astronomic, historical, literary and technological materials, presents a special exhibition “400 Years of Heaven Gazing,” applying advanced techniques to fly the participants to the beautiful endless universe. Exhibits such as the juxtaposition of Kengting, Lulin and Hawaii etc. four observatories' realtime images and 3D movies such as Galileo's Free Fall experiment at Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Mystery of Saturn etc. altogether enrich the Spectacularity.

The official website:

National Educational Radio 2009/07/27


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2009 03:56PM by gustav.

Is there a typo in "since 8th-Aug. To 13th-Sep."? It seems the "To" should be "to," right?

And, you are intentionally to use (capital) "the Spectacularity," right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2009 01:21AM by mepoadm.