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[醫療技術] 臺大團隊研發可植入式智慧釋藥系統晶片,適用於癌症的局部治療以及心臟病的即時救治

[醫療技術] 臺大團隊研發可植入式智慧釋藥系統晶片,適用於癌症的局部治療以及心臟病的即時救治

電機電子領域的《時代雜誌(EE Times)》於二月十一日大幅報導臺灣大學所研發出的可植入式智慧釋藥系統晶片。此項研究係由臺大電子所、機械系、醫工所以及臺大醫院跨領域合作,其研究成果已在二月初於著名的國際固態電路會議(ISSCC)中發表。該研究利用先進積體電路設計和製程技術以及生醫知識所完成。該晶片具有生物相容性及無線傳輸能力,可透過微創手術植入皮下,於需要時,藉由PDA等無線裝置精密控制藥物之釋放,以達到非侵入式的即時治療效果。適用於癌症的局部治療以及心臟病的即時救治。

EE Times 2009/02/11

[Medical Tech] Taida Research Team Invents Implantable Drug-Delivery SoC for Cancer Topical Treatment and Cardiopathy

Times of the Electronical Engineering field EE Times featured Taida's implantable drug-delivery SoC on 11th-Feb., 2009. The research is co-conducted by GIEE, GIME, IBE and National Taiwan University Hospital, and its result has been presented at the famous International Solid State Circuits Conference, ISSCC. With the advanced IC design technologies, process technologies and biomedical knowledge, the invention obtains biocompatibility and wireless transmission ability so that, by implanting the chip under skin via minimal invasive operation, the drug-delivery SoC can be controlled with wireless devices such as PDA and accomplishes the realtime treatment non-invasively. The invention can be applied to the emergent treatment like cancer topical treatment and cardiopathy.

National Taiwan University Newsletter Issue 592 (in Chinese)
EE Times 2009/02/11

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2009 10:20PM by gustav.