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[生物研究] 全球首創利用鏢旗魚法 進行標識放流研究

[生物研究] 全球首創利用鏢旗魚法 進行標識放流研究

分類標籤: 科技文摘
[生物研究] 全球首創利用鏢旗魚法 進行標識放流研究



中廣新聞 2009/02/24

[Biology] Globally New Skill of Tagging and Releasing Experiment: Harpooning!

In Eastern Taiwan, harpooning skill is widely applied, especially by the fisherfolk of Chenggung Area, Taitung County, when fishing spearfish. The harpooner has to stand on the harpooning box ahead of the boat, observing the fish in wild waves. As soon as the harpooner glances the fish, he has to shoot the harpoon at the fish immediately. This special skill is developed from the Japanese migrants from Chiba-ken and Wakayama during the Japanese colonization period.

Lately, Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (COA-FRI) applied the harpooning skill to harpoon the pop-up satellite tag, PSAT, onto the back of the Sail Fish in the outside sea of Chenggung Township, Taitung, in order to study the migration and the habitat of the large migration fish in Eastern ocean. The traditional tagging and releasing experiment usually applied trolling or set net and caused damage to the fish body. The tagged fish of that skill usually died soon after released. The successful harpooning skill not only succeeds in putting the PSAT onto the spearfish, but protects the tagged.

Further Information:
BCC News 2009/02/24 (in Chinese)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2009 09:07PM by gustav.