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[生態保育] 23年努力 台灣野生鹿再現

[生態保育] 23年努力 台灣野生鹿再現

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[生態保育] 23年努力 台灣野生鹿再現


台灣梅花鹿是台灣特有亞種,因其背上有白色似梅花的斑點而得名,300年前,全台中低海拔的平原及丘陵四處可見成群的鹿隻,包括南投鹿谷鄉、台東初鹿與鹿野鄉、台中沙鹿鎮等許多鄉鎮都以「鹿」字命名,多少反映早年盛況。 台北市立動物園長葉傑生說,台灣梅花鹿在1624年荷蘭人占領台灣時遭大量獵捕,年捕獲量曾達15萬頭,甚至成為日本鹿皮市場最大的供應商,加上梅花鹿的棲地開墾,導致梅花鹿在野外滅絕。

台灣梅花鹿復育計畫從1986年展開,從動物園挑選22頭純種鹿隻引至墾丁國家公園,歷經準備、放養與野放三階段,先在大範圍復育區內保存梅花鹿的種群,再逐步訓練回復野性,最後重返山林。 墾丁國家公園管理處上月在出火地區辦理第14次野放工作,目前梅花鹿在野外生存碰到最大的危害是野狗追逐,其次仍是人為獵補,如何加強民眾的保育觀念仍是持續努力的方向。



[Wildlife Conservation] Twenty-Three Years of Effort, Wild Deer Appear Again in Taiwan

Taiwan was once the land of wild Formosan sika deer. Groups of wild deer were seen everywhere casually eating grass in the fields. However, due to hunting and deerskin export, wild Formosan sika deer were announced officially to be extinct in the wild in 1969. Yet, after government and the academic's twenty-three years of effort, about one thousnd of wild deer are observed around Kenting in the Southern Taiwan.

Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) is an endemic subspecies in Taiwan. Formosan sika deer is called “plum blossom deer” in Chinese for its white spots on the back. Three hundred years ago, groups of wild deer could be observed everywhere in the middle and low elevation fields or hills of Taiwan. From the place names such as Lugu (鹿谷 vale of deer) Village of Nantou County, Chulu (初鹿) and Luyie (鹿野, filed of deer) Village of Taitung County, and Shalu (沙鹿) Township of Taichung County, one can imagine the picture of the wild deer in abundance at that time. The president of Taipei Zoo Jason Yeh said, during the period of Holland colonization (around 1624) wild Formosan sika deer suffered mass hunting, 150,000 hunted per year. Taiwan was once then the primary supplying country in Japan deerskin market. Added was also the habitat damage. These factors made the deer extinct in the wild.

The Formosan sika deer Recovering Program started in 1986. Twenty-two pureblooded were chosen from zoos and got prepared for release into the wild in Kenting National Park. They went through three stages: preparation, stocking and introduction into the wild. Groups of deer were preserved in large scale of preservation land first, got used to the wild field, and finally were introduced into the wild. The fourteenth introduction was held last month in Kenting-Chuhuo Area. The present barricade of Formosan sika deer's survival in the wild are: first, wild dogs' hunting; second, human hunting. To promote the idea of wildlife conservation is still a major key task.

Reference: Taipei Zoo

Liberty Times 2009/02/22 (in Chinese)