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由台灣本土發現與命名的「鹿林彗星」將於年初靠近地球,預計與地球最接近時刻為2009年2月24日,預估最大亮度達4等。只要在無光害地區,向東南低空方向,天秤座內至天蠍座間,肉眼便可觀察到帶有尾巴的鹿林彗星(註)。而從2008年11月到 2009 年5月間,皆有機會看到鹿林彗星。由於鹿林彗星的軌道呈拋物線,可能一去不回,今年應是民眾一生中唯一一次可以觀測的機會,下次可能得等到2850萬年後。

註: http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V5/astronomy/Data/obser/2009sky/images/comet200901.jpg

Comet Lulin Is Approaching Earth

Comet Lulin, the first comet discovered and entitled by local astronomers, is approaching Earth at the beginning of the year. Lulin will pass 0.41 AU (Astronomical Unit) from Earth and reach its closest distance to Earth on 24th-Feb. (about 14.5 times the distance between Earth and the Moon). The comet's maximum magnitude in late February is expected to reach magnitude 4 and can be seen with naked eye. Because the orbit is observed as a parabola, there is inferred to be the chance that the comet may not return at all again. Even there be a chance of return, it could come however after 28.5 million years later. This time shall be the only chance for us all to observe the comet in this life.

鹿林天文台 http://www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw/
葉泉志(鹿林彗星發現者)個人Blog http://yeiht.y234.cn/wordpress/?page_id=676
中央氣象局 http://www.cwb.gov.tw/
中國時報 http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/ExteriorContent/Life/Life-Main/0,4381,news-content+11051801+112009010200098,00.html
中廣新聞網 http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20090105/1248558.html
聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/LIFE/LIF1/4671703.shtml

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2009 11:05PM by gustav.

Re: [天文科學]鹿林彗星即將接近地球

分類標籤: 科技文摘
鹿林彗星 2009/02/28, by 張君宏



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2009 11:51PM by gustav.

Re: [天文科學]鹿林彗星即將接近地球

分類標籤: 科技文摘
observed on 2009/02/20, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw52qZsEnN4

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2009 08:56AM by gustav.

Re: [天文科學]鹿林彗星即將接近地球

分類標籤: 科技文摘