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[Medical] NCKU-College of Medicine Proves Eps8 to Be A New Target for Colorectal Cancer Therapy

Posted by gustav 
[Medical] NCKU-College of Medicine Proves Eps8 to Be A New Target for Colorectal Cancer Therapy (Chinese Version)

NCKU Realtime News (2009/07/07) Colorectal cancer is one of the top ten cancers in Taiwan, sexually irrelevant, and one of the major fatal tumors. Professor and Head of Department of Pharmacology, National Cheng Kung University, Tzeng - Horng LEU's research team proves that Eps8 is a new target for colorectal cancer therapy, turning the colorectal cancer medical treatment into a new page.

Eps8 as an adaptor protein is the cell receptor of protein EGF and the co-substrates of the tyrosine kinase Src which adjusts the protein expression of Eps8 and activates it. Through experiments, it is proved that the over-expression of Eps8 in the mice's fibroblasts can cause the cell's canceration. In particular, the volume increase of Eps8 plays a significant role in the canceration led by Src.

The previous findings have suggested that the increase of protein volume of Src and FAK, Src's downstream factor, or the increase of their activations is related to the development of colorectal canceration. But it remains unclear about the detail of the causal relation in between. Responding to the question, LEU's team designs experiments and eventually locks on the critical oncogene Eps8, finding that the reduction of Eps8 brings the reduction of cancer cells' generation. That is, the inhibition of Eps8 can ease up the mal-development of tumor. The findings suggest that we can find new therapeutical methods by trying to discover materials that can hold down the protein expression of Eps8.

NCKU Realtime News 2009/07/07

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2009 01:40PM by gustav.