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[Green Energy][Report of Honor] National Taichung First Senior High School Students Found the Way to Produce Energy with Pasture

Posted by gustav 
[Green Energy][Report of Honor] National Taichung First Senior High School Students Found the Way to Produce Energy with Pasture (Chinese Version)

National Taichung First Senior High School announced on 2nd-Jun., the team of two second-grade students Buo-Ray CHEN (陳柏瑞) and Ren-shuo LIU (劉人碩), led by the teacher Pen-yu XUE (薛朋雨) wan the champion of SISC (Singapore International Science Challenge) for their finding of the energy generate method with pasture grass.

The research team used two kinds of developed bacteria, aerobes and anaerobes, discovered in cattle stomach to produce carbohydrate by resolving grass, and then invert the carbohyrate into hydrogen. In average, every 0.2 gram dried grass powder can heat up 25 cc water by one centigrade degree. The grass can be subsititued for fossil energy, and it won't cause any carbon dioxide pollution. The finding of the team was thus approved by SISC and wan the champion. The teachers of National Taichung First Senior Hing School Jian-hung ZHANG (張健鴻), Yu-Sheng Xiau (蕭育聖) and Pen-yu XUE pointed out that the grass material could be cheap salvia, which will not get involved with food crisis nor change the present economic mechanism.

For the further information, please find the reference provided.

Further Information:
China Times E-paper 2009/06/02 (Chinese)