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[Sci-tech Policy] Ministry of Economic Affairs Offers Financial Support to Microsoft's Cloud Computing Center

Posted by apophasis 
[Sci-tech Policy] Ministry of Economic Affairs Offers Financial Support to Microsoft's Cloud Computing Center (Chinese Version)

China Times E-paper & udn.com (2010/07/15) Microsoft's Software and Services Excellence Center in Taiwan will receive a three-year financial support from the “Multinational Innovative R&D Centers in Taiwan Program” of Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs. The sponsorship will cover the R&D personnel, plant rental, and cooperation payment with local research institutes or enterprises. The cooperation between Microsoft and its Taiwan partners will help with the transformation of Taiwan's information industry into a new era of clouding innovations.

Ministry of Economic Affairs points out, with the emerging of cloud computing, the demand for both the more centralized servers and the more intelligent end-equipments is getting larger, so, as MoEA suggests, Taiwan should accelerate the development of cloud computing industry with its strong capacity of inform-communication soft- as well as hardware, increasing the value-added and total profit of the inform-communication industry.

Microsoft's Software and Services Excellence Center centers on the OS for the clouding centers and the development of the end-devices. With regard to the latter, Microsoft plans to transfer or exchange the techniques about natural human machine interface with the enterprises in Taiwan. The aim of the center is to make Taiwan its market base in Asia-Pacific market and to form an industrial value chain of cloud services.

Microsoft's Software and Services Excellence Center has begun to operate since June, and the cooperations with Quanta, Compal and Delta on the construction of information centers for cloud computing have been taking places. Microsoft Taiwan plans to form an alliance with more than one hundred Taiwan enterprises during the following three years, creating clouding opportunities together.

Related Website:
Multinational Innovative R&D Centers in Taiwan Program http://innovation5.tdp.org.tw

Related Historical Message:
[Industrial][Cloud Computing] Microsoft Vice President Will Station in Taiwan Building a Cloud Computing R&D Center 2010/04/20

Further Information:
China Times E-paper 2010/07/15 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2010/07/15 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2010 09:46PM by apophasis.