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[Environmental][Report of Honor] National Taichung Girls' Senior High School I-Ching TSENG Finds Styrofoam-Decomposing Microbe

Posted by gustav 
[Environmental][Report of Honor] National Taichung Girls' Senior High School I-Ching TSENG Finds Styrofoam-Decomposing Microbe (Chinese Version)

According to China Times report, cited in Yahoo! News, (2009/05/17), the biggest high school science competition in the world Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, ISEF, had announced its result. Taiwan representatives wan 11 awards, five of which I-Ching TSENG from National Taichung Girls' Senior High School wan for her “A Styrofoam-Decomposing Bacterium from Mealworms,” including the Top First Place Winner of the category of Microbiology. With five awards and the prize of more than ten thousands USD, she was the biggest winner in ISEF 2009.


Once when seeing one of the presentations in an elementary science exhibition, I-Ching TSENG observed some irregular slight damages on the surface of the styrofoam box containing mealworms. Out of her curiosity about how mealworms and the damages on styrofoam box were related, she began lots of experiments on mealworms. She analyzed the anatomy and the DNA, and finally she found that there's some kind of bacterium in mealworms decompose styrofoam. If the research is continued and applied to environmental technology, the “everlasting” styrofoam may become resolvable.

Further Information:
Intel ISEF 2009 Official Site
Yahoo! News 2009/05/17
NOWNews 2009/05/17

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2009 06:13PM by gustav.