[Cross-strait][Cloud Computing] Cross-strait Cooperation on Cloud Computing Regarded Promising: IBM Vice President (
Chinese Version)
China Times E-paper (2012/03/10) Dr. Thomas LI, Vice President of IBM, also the Director of IBM Research – China and the Chief Technology Officer of IBM Greater China Group (CTO of IBM GCG), indicated on March 9 that with Taiwan's excellent service conceptions as well as its solid hardware manufacturing capacity and China's great application demand and large market, the cross-strait cooperation on cloud computing was thought to be highly promising. Besides, LI also suggested that the opportunities created by the internet of things were also believed to be very helpful with the economic development.
Thomas LI was invited to attend a cross-strait EMBA elites forum on March 9, giving a lecture about the global technological trends. LI was born in Taiwan, and had spent ten years stationing in Mainland China, making great contributions to cross-strait exchanges in technology and accumulating certain unique insights about China's policy on the development of the internet of things and cloud computing.
LI pointed out, cloud computing does not mean solely to provide data centers and platforms; the maintenance and application services are more important. Taiwan is strong in services and hardware, while China has big application market. The cross-strait cooperation on cloud computing is thus very promising.
LI continued, the internet of things, the uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an internet-like structure, has to base on an infrastructure of sensors and internet so that the information of the objects could be collected and transferred to the information center for further processing, just like the nerve system in human body. Hence, LI continued, the internet of things has to imitate human body, for instance, to take instant response and to conduct realtime information processing. The possible applications include bridge monitoring, traffic control, logistics control, etc.
Besides, LI said, a large volume of irregular information data, such as irregular texts, audio-video information, multi-media information, etc., are there in present world, while the growth of the volume is very likely to continue, so a type of super computer with active acquisition ability and judgment ability is needed.
LI also talked about European debt crisis. He thought, the problem was created via the imbalance between the demand in life quality and the global redistribution of producibility, while the development of the internet of things may bring forth positive impact on the current redistribution of the global resources.
Further Information:
China Times E-paper 2012/03/10 (Chinese)
National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2012 09:30PM by techman.