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[Academia-Industrial] TSMC Announces Winners of Fourth Outstanding Student Research Awards

Posted by apophasis 
[Academia-Industrial] TSMC Announces Winners of Fourth Outstanding Student Research Awards (Chinese Version)

TSMC Newsletter (2010/08/20) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) today recognized talented young scholars at its fourth “Outstanding Student Research Awards” ceremony. Dr. S. Y. CHUANG, TSMC’s Senior Vice President of Research and Development, awarded 37 outstanding students from Taiwan, the United States, Holland, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and India to applaud their outstanding research in the fields of semiconductors and renewable energy, and encourage them to reach for higher goals.

This year, the Outstanding Student Research Awards were expanded to include Green Electronics, in addition to the original categories of Circuit Design Technologies, Electronic Device, Process and Patterning Technologies, and the Physics and Chemistry of Electronic Materials.

Competitors came from elite universities around the world, including Australia’s University of New South Wales; China’s Fudan University, Jilin University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University, and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford in Great Britain; the Indian Institute of Technology; the Netherlands’ Delft University of Technology; Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore; and Cornell University, Ohio State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, University of California, University of Michigan, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States.

“The TSMC Outstanding Student Research Award is highly regarded in the academic world. It is not only a forum for professors and students around the world to showcase their research, it also fosters the exchange of knowledge between industry and academia and serves to attract top international talent to TSMC,” said Dr. Burn LIN, TSMC’s Senior Director of Nano Patterning Technology and Chairman of the Award Committee.

Judging for the TSMC Outstanding Student Research Award includes two rounds: a research paper and an oral presentation. In their papers, students must give a clear explanation of the purpose and relevance of their research, as well as its contribution to the field. TSMC Fellows, Technical Committee members and other experts in the field then judge the paper based on its effectiveness, correctness, and conciseness. In the presentation round, students who have passed the first stage must present their research before the Award Committee in Taiwan or by teleconference and participate in a discussion with committee members, who may also give suggestions for further research.

TSMC received more than 200 research papers from around the world, and out of 203 qualified to enter the competition, 78 were from Taiwan and 125 were from overseas. After meticulous review, judges selected Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in each category, as well as commendations. Scholars from Cornell University, UC-Berkeley, Georgia Tech and Cambridge University won Gold Awards, while MIT, Stanford, and National Taiwan University took Silver Awards. Bronze Awards were given to scholars from Ohio State, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Tsinghua University (Taiwan), National Taiwan University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Award Committee granted its highest honor, the Academy Award, to Albert BARTOK-PARTAY, doctoral candidate at Cambridge University.

Media Contact:
TSMC Spokesperson
        Lora HO
        Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer & Spokesperson
        Tel: 886-3-5664602
TSMC Deputy Spokesperson
        Dr. Elizabeth SUN
        Director, TSMC Corporate Communication Division
        Tel: 886-3-5682085
        Email: elizabeth_sun@tsmc.com

TSMC Newsletter 2010/08/20

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2010 10:52AM by apophasis.

It seems a great award by TSMC. Good job for the company!