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[Environment] Second Congress of the Asia Greens Network Occurring in the End of April, Focusing on Climate Change

Posted by gustav 
[Environment] Second Congress of the Asia Greens Network Occurring in the End of April, Focusing on Climate Change (Chinese Version)

RTI, Coolloud 2.0 (2010/03/17) & Now News (2010/03/10) After the first Congress in Japan (2005), the environmentalists and green leaders in the Asian countries will gather in the Second Congress of the Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN 2010) in Taipei from April 30 to May 2. Green political figures and environmental activists from more than twenty Asia-Pacific countries and areas, more than four hundred people, will participate in the meeting. The meeting is themed by climate change, global warming, GHG reduction etc., aiming at concluding with reaction solutions to the global climate change.

Taiwan Green Party points out, during the period 150 important green political figures in Asia will meet in Taiwan and their conclusion must have impact on the negotiation of the post-Kyoto Protoc0l which will take place in the Conferences of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 16) in the end of the year. Taiwan green figures will communicate with the Asia-Pacific partners in the event, and, with combining the governmental and non-governmental forces in Asia-Pacific area, Taiwan Green Party says, the strategies and way-outs against the climate change must be found.

Further Information:
APGN 2010 Official Website
RTI 2010/03/17 (Chinese)
Coolloud 2.0 2010/03/17 (Chinese)
Now News 2010/03/10 (Chinese)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2010 11:31AM by gustav.