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[Medical Tech] NTU Presents Home Use Sperm Analysis Chip

Posted by gustav 
[Medical Tech] NTU Presents Home Use Sperm Analysis Chip

分類標籤: Sci-Tech Digest
[Medical Tech] NTU Presents Home Use Sperm Analysis Chip (Chinese Version)

NTU Newsletter (Issue 976) The high prevalence of male infertility (10 to 15 %) and its impact upon individuals, families, societies and even the entire human race, noted by urology clinicians got the research team, constituted of Professor Andrew M. WU, Institute of Applied Mechanics, NTU, et al., inspired with the idea of home use sperm analysis chip. The team targeted the goals of cheap price, easy operation and accurate testing, developing the testing chip on sperm quality which everyone could conduct at home. The technology had drawn the public's attention no sooner than it arrived at its initial success.

The product was intended to meet the market demand of private testing on sperm quality in terms of a synthetic evaluation of sperm concentration and motility. The result of testing and analysis would be displayed with numbers as well as signal lights to avoid the inaccuracy induced from subjective interpretation. Also, the numbers could be archived for long-term tracks by means of which the user could get a better picture of his own health situation or timing of impregnation. The operation was intentionally simplified, hopefully could be done with a single button. The development had arrived at the stage of verifying the probability of the conception of the chip in the lab environment. In the future, the product would be a package of one machine and chips. With the present research result, the machine's circuit could be very simple. The machine could be made easy-accessed to most of the people in Taiwan due to Taiwan's mature electronic industrial technology. It was expected that the prototype would appear in one year. As long as the the chip's mass production became possible, the development would enter the stage of clinical trials. The product was scheduled for certification application in two years. The team wished the product could enter the market as soon as possible.

NTU Newsletter Issue 976 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2009 01:17AM by gustav.