[Cloud Computing] NTU-Trend Micro Cloud Computing Program about to Inaugurate (
Chinese Version)
NTU Newsletter (Issue 1041) NTU held an admission seminar on March 17 introducing the school's cloud computing program cooperated with Trend Micro. In order to cultivate clouding talents, Trend Micro donated a cloud computing laboratory with comprehensive hardware and software equipment in 2010. The laboratory faculty includes ten lecturers from Trend Micro and 52 NTU Professors.
The program will receive students from various fields at the school, in principle including less than 50% of the enrolled from College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. These EE/CS students will explore the interdisciplinary info-applications with students from other fields. Info-security, high performance computing, biomedical technology, defense technology, image processing, information retrieval, business intelligence, etc., are al included in the interested fields of applications. The school expect to produce excellent clouding talents in Taiwan through the complete courses design and the internship in Trend Micro.
Related website: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/cloud (Chinese)
NTU Newsletter Issue 1041 (Chinese)
National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2011 09:11AM by techman.