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[Digitalized Archives] BLTV and NCKU To Establish Database of Buddhist and Sinological Works

Posted by techman 
[Digitalized Archives] BLTV and NCKU To Establish Database of Buddhist and Sinological Works (Chinese Version)

NCKU News (2011/03/01) An agreement to establish a database of Buddhist and Sinological records, chronicles, classical texts, historical books and reference works was signed between Beautiful Life Television (BLTV) and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, on Tuesday.

The complete online database will mark the new beginning of the integration of classical texts and digital technology, according to the Project Director, Chair Prof. Jhing-Fa WANG of NCKU Department of Electrical Engineering.

The database will include 65 volumes of Sinologist works and 70 volumes of Buddhist works. All 135 volumes will be digitalized in a virtual database for user access and made into DVDs for media distribution.

In addition, the database can perform like any other search engine such as Yahoo and Google for users to find classics in a list of results and look up similar or related information at the same time.

Other features include interpretation of classical texts and animation production of representative works for children.

CNKU News 2011/03/01

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2011 10:03AM by techman.