[Information] The Super Computer of National Center for High-Performance Computing Will Begin to Operate in June, Expected to Enter Top 100 List of the Globe (
Chinese Version)
RTI (2011/01/24) The new high-performance computing cluster host of National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), National Applied Research Laboratories, will begin to operate in July. The super computer is expected to enter the globally top 100 list. NCHC said on January 24 that the super computer will have a performance of 170 teraflops (tera floating point operations per second), more than eight times of the present performance and expected to greatly benefit the engineering and scientific researches in Taiwan.
NCHC Director Kuo-Ning CHIANG pointed out, the present highest performance of the center's computer is 20 teraflops, outside of the globally top 500 list. The host is provided mainly for researchers and its utilization rate is always fixed in 100% with plenty of queuing-up's. Therefore the center decides to expand the equipment to meet the needs.
The new high-performance computing host is expected to have a computing capacity of 170 teraflops and to begin its service in July. The speed is very fast, said Director CHIANG, and the center expects its performance to be located between no. 50 and no. 60 on the globe's top 100 list. The performance will enlarge the computing scale and unfolding the unknown scientific or engineering behaviors, and hence will create great contribution to Taiwan's science and engineering development.
RTI 2011/01/24 (Chinese)
National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2011 09:06AM by techman.