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[Information] Traffic Statistic Data to Be Released Online!

Posted by techman 
[Information] Traffic Statistic Data to Be Released Online! (Chinese Version)

China Times E-paper (2011/01/06) In order to respond to the policy making the governmental information transparent to the public, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications establishes a website for public retrieving of the transportation statistics. With the website, the public can access the data through online search and graphical and descriptive representations. Besides, all the reports provided by the ministry will be released online at the website as well for the public's reference. The monthly orange pamphlets issued by the ministry which contains the latest statistics about land transport, marine transport, air transport, postal affairs, tourism, weather and climate, etc., have been widely used with general or academic interests.

The Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications addresses: the statistics retrieval website offers three modes of retrieval, namely, general data retrieval, further data retrieval and relevant statistics reports search. General data retrieval is provided with stereotyping report generation methods for the need of the public. Users can get the result by simply selecting the statistics items without having to bind the search conditions. People can also switch among the functions of “statistics charts”, “statistics diagrams” and “download” easily.

Further data retrieval is provided for the people with specific needs such as scholars or governmental officers. Users can select from more detailed search items and get more flexible report display.

Relevant statistics reports made by the ministry will also be released online for public access. The reports will be largely displayed with Flash charts and diagrams so that the information could be efficiently obtained.

The public can find the website at the official website of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, or through the following url: http://stat.motc.gov.tw

China Times E-paper 2011/01/06 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2011 10:54PM by techman.