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[Information Industry] III: 2010 Info-tech Industry Will Trend to Low-Carbon, Tablet PC and Smart Devices, While Software Industry Will Be Structurally Impacted by Its Five Development Directions

Posted by techman 
[Information Industry] III: 2010 Info-tech Industry Will Trend to Low-Carbon, Tablet PC and Smart Devices, While Software Industry Will Be Structurally Impacted by Its Five Development Directions (Chinese Version)

CNA, RTI & udn.com (2010/12/22) III-MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, Institute for Information Industry) forecast that the development of the software industry in Taiwan between 2011 and 2013 will go through some structural breaks such as the blur of business areas and frequent mergers and acquisitions owing to the expected five developmental directions. Meanwhile, the info-tech industry will go after ten major trends such as low-carbon, smart devices, tablet PC, etc. III warns, too, that although emerging countries possess strong growing dynamics, Taiwan firms need to be aware of the dangers of currency appreciation, inflation, asset bubbles, etc.

III-MIC Industry Consultant says, between 2011 and 2013, the development of software industry in the globe will go into five directions, namely, service-orientation in information applications, popularization of software products, platforms as a new option, cloud service for small-and-medium enterprises and society software's moving toward the hot-spot center of capital investment. Under the circumstance of the three giants (Microsoft, Google and Apple) dividing the market, the emerging of cloud services for small-and-medium enterprises and the rapid growth of society website members,the real and virtual channels will get merged and society website related software products will become the major target of middle- to long-term capital investment. In this situation, the software industry in Taiwan will go through certain structural breaks. III forecasts that the border lines of business areas will become fuzzy, and because of the fierce competition, mergers and acquisitions will become very frequent.

III-MIC also indicates ten trends of the global: low-carbon, smart devices, tablet PC, platform, APP, 3D, motion sensing, clouding, society, and 4G. However, MIC Director Wen-nan CHAN (詹文男, trans. temp.) emphasizes, to observe from a global economic-growth perspective, the recovery speed is slower owing to the debt-ridden of the advanced countries and the fragility of the money market; on the other side, although the emerging countries possess powerful growing strength, Taiwan firms still have to be cautious about the over-inpour of capital investment, currency appreciation, inflation, asset bubbles, etc.

Further Information:
CNA 2010/12/22 (Chinese)
RTI 2010/12/22 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2010/12/22 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2010 11:57PM by techman.