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[科技政策] 國家實驗室退場機制 國研院6月底完成評估

[科技政策] 國家實驗室退場機制 國研院6月底完成評估



國研院副院長吳光鐘也說,各中心一個月前已先進行自評,看過去 5年是否符合預期目標,並提出中心退場的影響與整併的看法,下周會請國內相關專家學者進行院內初評,結束後再送國科會複評,預計 6月底前完成。

中央社 2009/05/07

[Sci-Tech Policy] Exit Mechanism for National Laboratories NARL Will Complete the Evaluation by the End of June

According to CNA News report (2009/05/07), the new President of National Applied Research Laboratories, NARL, Wen-Hwa CHEN expressed on 7th-May that NARL has begun the evaluation of its subordinated laboratories and centers regarding their executive efficiency, and the task is expected to come to the closure by the end of June. Wen-Hwa Chen stressed, NARL indeed needs further immanent integration.

At the beginning of the year, Premier Chao-shiuan LIU indicated at the National Wide Science & Technology Conference (15th-Jan.) that an exit mechanism was needed for the laboratories and centers under NARL. Wen-Hwa CHEN said, now the plans for new centers have all been suspended, and the task to reexamine each center's own self-position against each's own proper domain has been started. He added, it is not necessary to set a center for each domain!

Vice-President of NARL Kuang-Chong WU said as well, each center under NARL had begun its own self-evaluation since a month ago, checking if during the previous five years all the planned targets have been fulfilled or not. After each center's self-evaluation, each center is required, attached to the result of self-evaluation, to report the estimated consequences of its own exit or being fused into another center, and the result will be referred for reviewing by the relevant specialists in Taiwan for the NARL's evaluation. The result of the initial evaluation conducted by NARL itself will be reviewed by NSC. The whole process is expected to finish by the end of June.

CNA News 2009/05/07 (Chinese)