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[天文][獲獎捷報] 中研院徐遐生院士榮獲太平洋天文學會金牌獎章

[天文][獲獎捷報] 中研院徐遐生院士榮獲太平洋天文學會金牌獎章

據中研院新聞稿(2009/05/07),成立長達120年的國際知名天文組織「太平洋天文學會」 (The Astronomical Society of the Pacific,ASP)於2009年5月1日宣布,中研院第18屆數理組徐遐生院士榮獲該學會2009年最高榮譽獎章「凱薩琳∙伍爾夫∙布魯斯金牌獎」(the Catherine Wolfe Bruce gold medal)。頒獎典禮將於9月於美國加州舉行。

據該新聞稿指出,徐遐生院士是國際知名的理論天文物理學家,專長研究行星誕生,被公認為世界頂尖天文物理學者之一。尤其是徐院士的漩渦狀星系形成,以及恆星形成等二大理論,獲得極高學術尊崇。徐遐生院士曾任美國天文學會會長(President of the American Astronomical Society, 1994-1996),也榮獲美國國家科學院院士(1987年)、中央研究院院士(1990年)、與美國國家藝術與科學院院士(1992年)等高度榮譽頭銜。1968年徐院士獲得哈佛大學天文學博士學位後,曾任教於柏克萊大學、加州大學,2002年他返回台灣擔任國立清華大學校長。2009年5月徐院士並受聘成為本院天文及天文物理研究所籌備處特聘研究員。

據該新聞稿,「太平洋天文學會」是全世界最大的天文組織之一,其會員來自70個國家,背景多元有趣,涵蓋天文科學家、教師、業餘家、甚至天文理論發想者 (armchair astronomers)。該學會自1898年起所設立的「凱薩琳∙伍爾夫∙布魯斯金牌獎」,近58年來,每年都甄選一位國際籍受獎者,以推崇其對天文學之終身貢獻。該獎項過去的受獎人包括:證明核反應是太陽的能量來源而獲得1967年諾貝爾物理獎的漢斯貝特(Hans Bethe)、發明哈伯太空望遠鏡的艾德溫哈伯(Edwin Hubble),以及發展出有名的「艾丁吞極限」(Eddington Limit)的亞瑟愛丁頓爵士(Arthur Eddington)。

曾耀寰博士,中研院天文及天文物理研究所研究助技師,(Tel) 886-2-3365-2200#835
林美惠,本院總辦事處公關室, mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw
(Tel) 886-2-2789-8821、 (Fax) 886-2-2782-1551、 (M) 0921-845-234

中研院新聞稿 2009/05/07

[Astronomy][Report of Honor] Academia Sinica Academician Frank SHU Selected as Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2009 Bruce Gold Medalist

According to Academia Sinica's Newsletter (2009/05/07), Academia Sinica's Academician Frank SHU has been entitled the 2009 Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medalist by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), announced the society on 1st-May. The awarding ceremony will be held in California in September.

The Academia Sinica's Newsletter writes, the Bruce gold medal is the society’s highest honor and is given to honor the lifetime contributions to astronomy. The award has been set since 1898, and the candidates can be citizens from any country.

Academician SHU, ibid., is regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on theoretical astrophysics and star formation. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1968 and developed his distinguished career in astrophysics. He became a Professor at Berkeley, California, and later the president of Taiwan’s National Tsing Hua University, one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan, and President of the American Astronomical Society (1994-1996). He is currently a Distinguished Professor, at the University of California, San Diego, USA. Dr. SHU also is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992). In addition to being an Academia Sinica academician, recently, on 1st-May, 2009, Dr. SHU was entitled a Distinguished Research Fellow of Academia Sinica’s Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics as well.

The ASP was founded in San Francisco in 1889, ibid., and is a worldwide organization that brings together research scientists, teachers, amateur astronomers, and “armchair astronomers” to “advance the Science of Astronomy, and to diffuse information concerning it.” Past recipients of the Bruce gold medal includes Nobel physicist Hans BETHE (2001), astronomer Edwin HUBBLE (1938), who gave his name to the Hubble space telescope, and astrophysicist Arthur EDDINGTON (1924) namesake of the Eddington Limit, the limit of the natural luminosity of the stars.

Media Contacts:
Dr. Tseng, Yao-Huan, Assistant Research Scientist at ASIAA, Academia Sinica (Tel) +886-2-3365-2200 #835
Mei-Hui Lin, Public Relations Office, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica
(Tel) +886-2-2789-8821, (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0921-845-234 mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Academia Sinica Newsletter 2009/05/07