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[能源][科技政策] 能源會議共識:提高能源效率 產業低碳化





中央社 2009/04/15

[Energy][Sci-Tech Policy] National Energy Conference Reaches Goals of Agreement: Energy Efficiency Optimization and Low-Carbon Industries

National Energy Conference, held by Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, today (15th-Apr., 2009) on the topic “Energy Management and Efficiency Optimization” (trans. temp.), has reached the agreement on several goals including to rebuild a low-carbon industrial structure with low energy consumption, to encourage green architecture and taking public transportation with setting new policies and regulations, and to realize an institution of energy tax etc.

The participants all agree with the idea that Taiwan should focus on low-carbon industries as the first priority. People think, the government should set policies which encourage green architecture and non-energy-intensified industries, build institution of low-carbon labeling, and help the industries with the realization of “carbon disclosure” and “carbon footprint.”

As for the divisions such as industrial, transportation and electronics, the respective participants agree to promote public transportation systems, elevate the rail transportation efficiency, construct cycling path network, encourage green transportation means, and apply green conception in new buildings or in refining old ones.

Besides, the participants urge the government for energy tax whose standards could be based upon “unit heat and carbon content” or “unit heat carbon content value” in order to indicate the external cost. At the same time, the government is expected to realize the Greenhouse Gases Act and its relevant guidelines and policies as soon as possible.

CNA 2009/04/15 (in Chinese)
2009 National Energy Conference Official Website (in Chinese)