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[學界動態] 「2009奈米元件技術研討會」將於四月舉辦

[學界動態] 「2009奈米元件技術研討會」將於四月舉辦



Session 1: Nanoelectronic Devices and Technology
Session 2: Nano Photonic and Energy Devices and Technology
Session 3: Nano Biomedical and MEMS Technology
Session 4: Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials Technology
Session 5: High-frequency Technology and Applications
Session 6: Nano-Metrology Technology and Applications


1. 奈米電子元件技術 Nanoelectronic Devices and Technology
2. 奈米光電與能源元件技術 Nano Photonic and Energy Devices and Technology
3. 奈米生醫與微機電技術 Nano Biomedical and MEMS Technology
4. 奈米製造與奈米材料技術 Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials Technology
5. 高頻技術及應用 High-frequency Technology and Applications
6. 奈米檢測技術及應用 Nano-Metrology Technology and Applications


[Acedemic Activity] 2009 Symposium on Neno Device Technology Takes Place in April

Responding to the rapid development of neno technology and the relevant industries of semi-conductor devices, as well as to the industries' great demands for new inventions and talent cultivation of neno devices, materials and processing, National Nano Device Laboratories (NDL) hosts 16th Symposium on Neno Device Technology at the International Conference Hall of Neno Research Building of Hsinchu Science Park on 29th to 30th-Apr., 2009. Specialists including professors, engineers and graduate students will participate the event, expressing their brandnew research results as well as sharing their visions on the development of neno device and materials technology. Hopefully via the symposium, more dialogues among the experts from academic field and industrial field are hastened. Besides, part of the event is a students' competition, which is intended to inspire young students' passion for relevant research.

Topics of the symposium is the following:

Session 1: Nanoelectronic Devices and Technology
Session 2: Nano Photonic and Energy Devices and Technology
Session 3: Nano Biomedical and MEMS Technology
Session 4: Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials Technology
Session 5: High-frequency Technology and Applications
Session 6: Nano-Metrology Technology and Applications

Themes of students' paper competition includes:

1. Nanoelectronic Devices and Technology
2. Nano Photonic and Energy Devices and Technology
3. Nano Biomedical and MEMS Technology
4. Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials Technology
5. High-frequency Technology and Applications
6. Nano-Metrology Technology and Applications

Further information please refer to NDL's website:
National Neno Device Laboratories
2009 Symposium on Neno Device Technology Info-page

Contact Information:
Tel +886-3-5726100 ext. 7730
Fax +886-3-5733795
E-mail mjchang@ndl.org.tw