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[資訊網路] 台灣將推行個人100M光纖網路

[資訊網路] 台灣將推行個人100M光纖網路

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[資訊網路] 台灣將推行個人100M光纖網路

中華電信今年將推出個人用戶20M光纖網路,不過台灣固網將從2月份開始,引進DOCSIS 3.0技術,更新相關光纖設備,未來用戶將可享有高達100M以上的下載速率。台灣電信業者的網路競速,將正式進入白熱化階段。

台灣大寬頻(台灣固網)採行的DOCSIS 3.0技術之後,將是國內有線電視業者中唯一可以提供到100MB下載速率的業者,速率與中華電信現行大樓光纖到府相當,但擁有較佳的品質及成本優勢。尤其台灣地區有將近7成用戶位於非大樓區,因此台灣大寬頻也希望透過DOCSIS 3.0的導入,全面滿足用戶對於高頻寬及高品質的期待。

DOCSIS 3.0技術較以往DOCSIS 1.0、2.0的優勢,在於將原本數個獨立的通道透過多頻點共用技術,大幅提升可用頻寬容量,以提供高速傳輸速率。透過這項技術,有線電視業者將可更有彈性地調整並提供符合用戶需求的頻寬速率,此外,該技術更可即時監控頻道的壅塞狀況並回報,減少塞機對用戶造成的不便。由於具備不需要汰換整個網路、只需升級終端系統與用戶端設備等特性,因此,DOCSIS 3.0勢必將帶動一波需求。


[Infotech & Network] Taiwan Is Facing Fiber-Optic Communication Data Rate Competition

Chunghwa Telecom will present personal 20 Mb/s Fiber-Optical Networks this year, while on the contrary Taiwan Fixed Network, the competitive exchange carrier, is about to introduce in DOCSIS 3.0 in February and upgrading the relevant fiber-optical construction for the new generation of personal networks which will allow personal users to enjoy over 100 Mb/s download data rate. The exchange carriers in Taiwan are on the edge of an incandescent data rate competition.

Taiwan Fixed Network, when the DOCSIS 3.0 gets applied, will become the only cable television provider in Taiwan who can provide 100 Mb/s download data rate, which is competitive with Chunghwa Telecom's present service “Fiber to the Home (FTTH)” in large building communities. Moreover, Taiwan Fixed Network's new service is outstanding regarding better service quality and cost advantage. Taiwan Fixed Network targets the 70 % of the network clients who live in non-large-building communities, and looks forward to the market outcome of the introduction of DOCSIS 3.0.

DOCSIS 3.0 is advantage over DOCSIS 1.0 or 2.0, because DOCSIS 3.0 can largely increase the wideband capacity and the data rate by means of the technique “Channel Bonding.” With the technique, the service provider can adjust the data rate in flexibility to meet the clients' needs, and monitor and report the congested situation in channels to reduce the occurrences of congestion. Because the upgrade does not need a replacement of the whole network infrastructure (only the terminal system and the local equipment need upgraded), DOCSIS 3.0 is expected to switch the focus of market demand.

Further Information:
Now News 2009/01/28