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[產業動態] 台積電邀前德儀董事長延吉布斯任獨董

[產業動態] 台積電邀前德儀董事長延吉布斯任獨董

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[產業動態] 台積電邀前德儀董事長延吉布斯任獨董


台積電董事會四月十七日核准的4位下屆董事會獨立董事候選人,包括彼得‧邦菲 (Peter Leahy Bonfield)、施振榮、卡莉‧菲奧莉娜 (Carleton S. Fiorina)等 3位現任獨立董事,還有前德州儀器董事長湯馬斯‧延吉布斯 (Thomas J. Engibous)。



目前,延吉布斯擔任 J.C. Penny 公司的 Lead Director 、西南醫療基金會理事,及 The Business Council 的委員。


中央社 2009/04/17
台積電新聞稿 2009/04/17

[Industrial] TSMC Invites the Former Chairman of Texas Instruments ENGIBOUS to the Candidacy for the Next Independent Director

On 17th-Apr., TSMC announced the four candidates for the forthcoming independent directors. The present independent director Professor Lester THUROW was not on the list, while the former board chairman of Texas Instruments Thomas ENGIBOUS became one of the four candidates.

The board of TSMC gave approval for the list of the candidates for the next independent directors, including, besides of the new participant Thomas J. ENGIBOUS, the three present independent directors Peter Leahy BONFIELD, Stan SHIH and Carleton S. FIORINA.

According to TSMC, Mr. ENGIBOUS got his EE Master from Purdue University in 1976. In the same year he got in Texas Instruments and stayed there until his retirement in 2008.

During the thirty-two years in Texas Instruments, ENGIBOUS has been through the vice executive general manager, the president of the semiconductor group, the general manager and the CEO. From 1998 to 2004 he was the chairman, at the same time, the general manager and the CEO; from 2004 to 2008 he focused on the chairmanship.

Now, ENGIBOUS was the lead director of J. C. Penny, the director of Southwestern Medical Foundation, and a member of the Business Council.

TSMC pointed out, ENGIBOUS is definitely proficient in leadership in international semiconductor enterprise, and therefore his on board is supposed to create some unique values definitely benefiting TSMC board. The election will take place on 10th-June at the stockholders' regular meeting.

Further Information:
CNA 2009/04/17 (in Chinese)
TSMC Newsletter 2009/04/17 (in Chinese)