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[生態保育] 林木DNA建檔 防止山林濫伐

[生態保育] 林木DNA建檔 防止山林濫伐

分類標籤: 科技文摘
[生態保育] 林木DNA建檔 防止山林濫伐



[Ecology] Forests DNA Database Establishing Deters Illegal Deforestations

In order to increase the efficiency of pursuing illegal deforesters, the official forest affairs units try to set up a DNA database of precious forests in Taiwan in order to help with the identification of illegal deforester suspects. Experts point out that variations of DNA characteristics appear between wood materials from different areas or between natural-grown or planted wood materials. When the DNA database is done, we can recognize the origin of the inspected seeds, sap, leaves, cortex, roots, and even the saw dust, so that the illegal deforesters can be identified.

BCC News 2009/02/16 (in Chinese)