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Message: Re: 《康德判斷力批判》第11節第1段閱讀筆記與問題

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: November 02, 2009 01:37AM

Re: 《康德判斷力批判》第11節第1段閱讀筆記與問題
[color=#0033CC]Please see my response below:[/color]

Interesting Comparison:

based on vs. determined by

 Based on: "Hence a judgment of taste cannot be based on a subjective purpose."

 Determined by: "But a judgment of taste also cannot be determined by a presentation of an objective purpose, ...

Quote: "...it* involves merely the relation of the presentational powers** to each other, insofar as they are determined by a presentation."

Question: I am curious about what "a presentation" means, more precisely: a presentation of "what?"

[color=#0033CC]A presentation of the object appreciated; in the very presentation, the relation between the cognitive/representational powers, namely, imagination and understanding, is determined in certain fashion that allows for on the one hand our awareness of the object as one in space and time as well as in experience, on the other our awareness of its being beautiful, namely our awareness of our appreciating the object. In this sense, Kant writes "in sofar as they are determined by a presentation." It is at one time not only a presentation of the object appreciated, but also a presentation of beauty.[/color]

* I * I think "it" means "a judgment of taste" here. [col00=#009933CC]Yes![/color]
** A reminder to myself: "presentational powers" should mean "cognitive powers" (see http://mepopedia.com/?page=122).
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: November 02, 2009 01:36AM

Re: 《康德判斷力批判》第11節第1段閱讀筆記與問題
[color=#0033CC]Please see my response below:[/color]

Interesting Comparison:

based on vs. determined by

 Based on: "Hence a judgment of taste cannot be based on a subjective purpose."

 Determined by: "But a judgment of taste also cannot be determined by a presentation of an objective purpose, ...

Quote: "...it* involves merely the relation of the presentational powers** to each other, insofar as they are determined by a presentation."

Question: I am curious about what "a presentation" means, more precisely: a presentation of "what?"

[col[color=#0033CC]A presentation of the object appreciated; in the very presentation, the relation between the cognitive/representational powers, namely, imagination and understandiare is is determined in certain fashion that allows for on the one hand our awareness of the object as one in space and time as well as in experience, on the other our awareness of its being beautiful, namely our awareness of our appreciating the object. In this sense, Kant writes "in sofar as they are determined by a presentation." It is at one time not only a presentation of the object appreciated, but also a presentation of beauty.[/color]

* I * I think "it" means "a judgment of taste" here. [col=#009933CC]Yes![/color]
** A reminder to myself: "presentational powers" should mean "cognitive powers" (see http://mepopedia.com/?page=122).

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: November 02, 2009 01:35AM

Re: 《康德判斷力批判》第11節第1段閱讀筆記與問題
[color=#0033CC]Please see my response below:[/color]

Interesting Comparison:

based on vs. determined by

 Based on: "Hence a judgment of taste cannot be based on a subjective purpose."

 Determined by: "But a judgment of taste also cannot be determined by a presentation of an objective purpose, ...

Quote: "...it* involves merely the relation of the presentational powers** to each other, insofar as they are determined by a presentation."

Question: I am curious about what "a presentation" means, more precisely: a presentation of "what?"

[col[color=#0033CC]A presentation of the object appreciated; in the very presentation, the relation between the cognitive/representational powers, namely, imagination and understandiare is determined in certain fashion that allows for on the one hand our awareness of the object as one in space and time as well as in experience, on the other our awareness of its being beautiful, namely our awareness of our appreciating the object. In this sense, Kant writes "in sofar as they are determined by a presentation." It is at one time not only a presentation of the object appreciated, but also a presentation of beauty.[/color]

* I * I think "it" means "a judgment of taste" here. [col=#009933CC]Yes![/color]
** A reminder to myself: "presentational powers" should mean "cognitive powers" (see http://mepopedia.com/?page=122).