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Gill net fishing has remained a common practice

Posted by paris0708 
Gill net fishing has remained a common practice

分類標籤: Geosciences  fishing  net  manufacturers  fishing  nets

Gill net fishing has remained a common practice despite the deaths of many unintended victims, but those who use this method had to take notice when endangered species began to be affected by the nets. The gill net works well in shallow water, still water, flowing water and deep water. These nets can be hand held, tied down or placed on floats.Gill fishing net manufacturers nets work by trapping the fish in the net's holes. The fish is able fit its head through the holes in the net, but the wider body will not go through.

When the nets are pulled up, there is more in the net than the fishermen were after. The method may be successful in netting fish, but often dolphins, sea turtles, sharks and albatrosses end up in the nets and die. The net is thrown into the water and hauled back in to a boat or shore, hopefully with a catch of fish caught within. You can throw them from the shore, boats and even kayaks. There is a learning curve to the throw, as it requires hand-to-eye coordination and a sense of timing on the release.Open the fishing nets China net on a flat surface outside. Open it up to see the full circle and where the weights are located around the outer edge.

 Find the long cast rope and loop. Slide the loop over your dominant hand's wrist and gather up the rope with your other hand.Grab the lead line with your right hand and toss the net over you left shoulder. Ensure that enough of the net drapes over your shoulder so the net remains in place when you assume a regular stance. See photo.Rotate the cast net a full three-quarter turn, behind you, away from where you are throwing. When they try to back out, their gills become hung on the net and the fishermen haul them in. Unintended consequences have made this method of fishing questionable in the eyes of many people.In North Carolina, the Marine Fisheries Commission restricted gill net fishing to four days a week on the heels of concerns about the deaths of endangered sea turtles caught in China fishing nets manufacturer gill nets off the state's shores in 2010.

Fishermen are fighting an all-out ban on gill netting from May to December, claiming it will have a dramatic negative effect on their livelihoods.Perhaps the most problematic aspect of gill netting is the regular occurrence of unintended catch. Ensure that your palm is facing downwards. Keep your throwing arm outstretched and begin to rotate in a smooth continuous motion towards the water you are throwing the net into. When your throwing arm is facing your target, release the cast net at a slight upward angle. The net should hit the water in a circular fashion.Pivot your torso around toward your back on your dominant hand's side. Hold the net on the hand keeping it at waist level, just above the water.