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To The Friends of ±2℃ Overseas (esp, Malaysia): Please Stop Request to ME Any More

Dear Friends of ±2℃ International,

As a founder of the campaign of Pay ±2℃ Forward, I really don't expect to send INTERNATIONAL mails in the very beginning, and even now. I think you all, at a certain level, are aware that this campaign starts/happens/is in Taiwan and the founder is also in Taiwan. Can you show some empathy to me and stop requesting to me for the DVDs.

There are two cases: One is I send 100 DVDs individually from Taiwan to Your Country; Two is I send ONE copy to your country and one/some of you send to the rest friends domestically. Which one is better, and, more Green?

In fact, I understand your good willing to deliver ±2℃ and I really want to make an effort on the goal of Paying ±2℃ Forward in your country.

If you do want to lead and organize a campaign like Paying ±2℃ Forward in your country, please show your intention and plans. I would love to send the DVD to you. I think this is a better and more economic and green way for deliverying.