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分類標籤: 災難

莫拉克災情網路中心: http://typhoon.adct.org.tw/


篇名 莫拉克風災致125死62失蹤44村嚴重受損
出處 中國時報、中廣新聞/陶泰山 2009-08-17
連結 http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-Rtn/2007Cti-Rtn-Content/0,4526,110110+112009081700409,00.html

根據中央災害應變中心統計,截至昨晚十點為止,莫拉克颱風共造成125人死亡、62人失蹤、45人受傷,44個村莊嚴重受損,已搶救災民3萬9019人,還有1638人滯留山區。According to Taiwan Emergency Operations Center, by 22:00 (tw) on 16th-August, 2009, the death toll of Typhoon Morakot has risen to 125 people. 62 people are missing, 45 people are injured, 44 villages are seriously damaged, 39,019 people have been rescued, and 1,638 people are still trapped in the mountain area.

目前,仍有95處各級道路未修通,3萬多戶沒水、1萬5千多戶沒電,屏東縣佳冬鄉兩處積水未退。屏東縣霧臺鄉、高雄縣那瑪夏鄉、桃源鄉、茂林鄉、嘉義縣阿里山鄉等地還不能通車。因水災形成的18處堰塞湖中有3處仍處於危險階段。Presently, 95 routes are still cut, thirty thousand households have no running water, fifteen thousand households are still in power failure, and the flood in two drown areas in Jiatung Township, Pingtung has not drained away yet. Wutai Township in Pingtung County; Namashia, Taoyuan, and Maolin in Kaohsiung County; and Alishan Township in Chiayi County are still sufferred from traffic isolation. Among the 18 Morakot-induced avalanche lakes, three are still dangerous.

重建推動委員會今天成立,應變中心指揮官毛治國指出,目前災區救災已經從撤離民眾,慢慢轉變為協助災民清理家園、搶通道路及復學等。毛治國表示,目前有31間中小學校恐怕不能如期開學,屆時,教育部將輔助學生易地開學,並且提供學生交通、住宿、膳食等補助。Reconstruction Council was formed on 17th-August. Commander of Emergency Operations Center Zhi-guo MAO said, the operational stage was now shifted from evacuation to homeland, traffic and education recovery. MAO said, 31 elementary schools were feared not able to start as scheduled. Ministry of Education will manage alternative schools for the students whose schools were damaged, as well as student's traffic problem, lodging and livelihood.

而農委會公告,累計到昨天,莫拉克風災農業產物估計新台幣122億元,受損作物以香蕉倒伏最嚴重,被害面積近6000公頃,其次是木瓜、番石榴、二期水稻等。Council of Agriculture announced that by 16th-August, the agricultural lost had reached 12.2 billion dollars. The most damaged crop was banana, about 6,000 ha. plant was damaged. The following damaged crops included papaya, guava and 2nd-round paddy rice.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2009 10:06AM by gustav.