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Re: [雲端簡介] 工研院雲端運算中心 闕志克主任 在台大電機內部的「徵才信」

台大電機系歷年的系友內部有一個 mailing list (群組信) 機制,上面常有一些全球性的「徵才信」。在今年5月的時候(2009年),在美國的闕志克教授發了一封要在台灣工研院成立雲端運算中心的「徵才信」(後來雲端中心於9月8日成立)。裡面的內容寫得很實際也很精彩,我認為其實很適合作為雲端運算「技術方面」的簡介,也很適合有意在雲端運算發展的朋友(或是學生)作為參考。希望對有興趣的朋友有一些幫助!



ITRI is in the process of setting up a new research center in its Hsinchu campus that focuses on fundamental
systems software expertise and technologies such as compiler, operating system kernel, DBMS
internals, distributed system architecture, cybersecurity and virtualization. More concretely, cloud computing is chosen as the umbrella research theme for this center in the next few years. In a word, the center aims to (1) acquire the operational expertise and management infrastructure to run a Google-like mega-scale data center (more than 100,000 and up to 1 million servers), and (2) develop scalable middleware (e.g. distributed file and data management) that facilitates the development of highly available internet-scale cloud computing applications. We hope these technologies could enable Taiwan to run the kind of data center that Google originally planned to set up in Changhwa but eventually withdrew because of non-economic pressures.

To assemble a team that could embark on this project within a short period of time, we are currently recruiting engineers and managers with experiences, skills and interests in the following technical areas:

(1) HAL-based virtualization technology, especially the open-source hypervisor Xen
(2) Distributed file system and distributed database management system
(3) Application performance management, including system-wide load balancing and power management
(4) System/network monitoring and management tools and infrastructure for large data centers
(5) Software security technology that detects and/or prevents attacks which exploit software vulnerabilities
(6) Hardware building blocks of large data centers, including the cooling and power distribution infrastructure

Tentatively, this center is slated to start operational in September 2009. By the end of this year, we aim to fill it
with 30 to 40 staff members, with ranks ranging from software engineers to architects. If you are interested in
these positions, please send me your resume. If you have any questions about this center, please feel
free to send me emails. Finally, please help by spreading these opportunities to those who may be interested
in them. Many thanks.

Tzi-cker Chiueh


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2009 11:49PM by HP.

Actually this job announcement is quite remarkable.

專訪大約從 2:40 開始。「貨櫃型電腦」大約從 8:50 開始。

闕志克的基本簡歷:台大電機系、Stanford 電腦科學碩士、Berkeley 電腦科學博士、Stony Brook 電腦科學系教授、賽門鐵克(Symantec)美國總部核心研究實驗室總監。



雖然闕志克主任對說「這是最保守的一條路」,但我第一次看到所謂的「貨櫃型電腦」還是覺得很 High。整個有大約1000台電腦的「貨櫃」就好像我們買 PC 一樣,有電有網路(還有水可以降溫),買回家就可以用了,感覺實在很 High。就好像買一個有 USB 插槽的模組,回家插到電腦上就可以用了。如果「這樣的東西」能夠量產而且未來的需求又的確有提升,這實不失為一個提升技術與毛利率的方法。


闕志克主任說他「沒有辦法打包票一定會成」(指雲端的軟體在台灣的發展),但他說「so give me a try」。





Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2010 01:41PM by HP.

這個專訪的時間是去年一月,到現在才一年多,沒想到闕志克教授口中的「沒有辦法打包票一定會成」的「雲端硬體」,現在預估到年底可能會占整個廣達的「三成」的營收 (非NB營收)。雖然工研院的雲端運算中心和廣達的研發沒有直接相關性,但這條路很明顯地已經有人走出來了。

廣達雲端開花結果,年底非NB營收衝破三成 (2011.06.24)
