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[Live Video] 地球之歌 Earth Song / Michael Jackson (1995)

地球之歌 Earth Song / Michael Jackson (1995)

分類標籤: 音樂
地球之歌應該是(地球上)第一支關注地球環境議題的音樂及影片。比高爾的《不願意面對的真相》(2006) 早了十年。本曲的作詞及作曲由 Michael Jackson 完成。(其實 Michael Jackson 的曲子多由本人完成,不過我們(台灣人?)通常沒有注意到這一部份。例如 Smooth Criminal, Billie Jean, Beat It, Heal the World (you can name it) 等皆為 Michael Jackson 作詞作曲。)

"Earth Song" was the first that overtly dealt with the environment and animal welfare. The song was written and composed by Jackson; the task of production was split between Jackson, David Foster and Bill Bottrell. (from wiki)

The music of the video below begins around 1:00. Please be patient.

Earth Song in Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Song

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2009 03:47AM by HP.

[Live Video] 地球之歌 Earth Song / Michael Jackson (1995)

分類標籤: 音樂

前文連結已失效,此版本為 Machael Jackson 演唱會現場版。