[BioEngineering] Former NCKU Doctoral Student’s Discovery of Gold Nanoparticles to Induce Luminescence in Leaves Attracts Foreign Media’s Attention (
Chinese Version)
NCKU News (2010/11/30) Post-doctor Yen-Hsun SU at Research Center for Applied Science (RCAS), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, a former student of Department of Physics at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), has been interviewed by Reuters in the laboratory of his supervising teacher Prof. Wei-Min ZHANG, because of his discovery that gold nanoparticles can induce luminescence in leaves.
As this discovery has captured the attention of foreign media, Dr. Yen-Hsun SU has been interviewed consecutively by the academic magazine
Chemistry World and another international scientific magazine
New Scientist a while ago, and recently by reporters from the internationally renowned news service provider Reuters.
“Since our Editor from Washington, United States, noticed the news article about the discovery and believed that foreign media will find this topic fresh and interesting and that the recorded clip can illustrate the future potential of the development of the discovery, we were asked to come to National Cheng Kung University to video interview Dr. Yen-Hsun SU,” said the reporters when they introduced themselves.
During the interview, the reporters raised questions from the three perspectives of concept, origin and future development potential of the discovery and also recorded the step-by-step experiment process, from preparing chemicals, testing equipments to injecting into test tubes.
Dr. Yen-Hsun SU mentioned, “Nowadays, many light emitting diode (LED), especially white light emitting diode, uses phosphor powder to stimulate light of different wavelengths. However, phosphor powder is highly toxic and its price is expensive. As a result, I had the idea to discover a method which is less toxic to replace phosphor powder which can harm human bodies and cause environmental pollution. In addition, because the nanoparticles can only reach cytoplasm rather than the nucleus at the current stage, it still requires many years of research to reach the goal, which is for trees to replace street lights, absorbing carbon dioxide while engaging in photosynthesis.”
Further Information:
NCKU News 2010/11/30
National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2010 01:17PM by techman.