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[Information] More than 90% of Population in Taiwan in Possession of Mobil Internet Device

Posted by apophasis 
[Information] More than 90% of Population in Taiwan in Possession of Mobil Internet Device (Chinese Version)

III News Center, CNA News & RTI Institute for Information Industry (III) presented the latest findings on June 25, indicating that more than 90% of the population in Taiwan is in possession of more than one mobile internet device; 50 % in possession of more than two Mobile internet product and service are shaping an emerging lifestyle.

According to the findings III presented, 91.2% of the population in Taiwan has more than one mobile internet device; 52.8% more than two; 25.2 more than three. In average, about twenty percent of the population has enjoyed online services such as navigation, music and video, instant communication services, short messages, schedule, etc. with the mobile internet device. Mobile online services become an emerging industry. Also, according to the survey, about forty percent of the population has seen advertisements on their mobile phones during the last month; mobile phone advertisement has become an emerging media access.

III pointed out, the survey has projected the future visage of our sci-tech life with three perspectives, all of which leading to the conclusion that the lifestyle must be shaped by the mobile internet devices and the services through them. It is also worth noticing that the communication platform services take two places in the top ten lists of the most popular mobile internet services; at meanwhile, several mature services online have moved into the scope of mobile internet services as well: for instance, more than 20% of the surveyed has enjoyed shopping with the mobile internet device. This shows the trend of e-shopping which takes place on online platform and TV platform has come to the mobile internet platform.

As for the cloud computing, about forty percent of the enterprises in Taiwan shows the demand for this types of services. About 27% of the enterprises wants to conduct the internal reformation of organization via the cloud computing services; 31% wants to improve the efficiency of communication while 30% wants to enhance the client relation management.

Further Information:
III News Center 2010/06/25 (Chinese)
CNA News 2010/06/25 (Chinese)
RTI 2010/06/25 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2010 03:21PM by apophasis.