[Intensive Agriculture] Taiwan Wins Silver, Royal Nod at UK Flower Show (
Chinese Version)
Taiwan Today, Government Information Office (2010/05/27) Orchids from Taiwan won a silver medal and high praise from Queen Elizabeth II at the Chelsea Flower Show in London May 26.
Siao-yue CHANG, the ROC’s top representative to the U.K., said she was extremely pleased with the result, especially as it was the first time Taiwan had participated in the event.
“Only the best orchid growers are invited to this show,” she said. “As we plan to continue attending, I hope more people in the U.K. will join the queen in appreciating the grace and beauty of our orchids.”
According to CHANG, Queen Elizabeth spent five minutes admiring orchids and listening to her impromptu briefing on Taiwan’s orchid industry May 25. “We didn’t expect she would actually stop by,” she said. “We feel honored by her majesty’s presence and recognition.”
Organized by the Royal Horticultural Society, the 97-year-old Chelsea Flower Show is the U.K.’s premier gardening event. More than 600 florists and horticulturalists from around the globe are taking part in this year’s exhibition.
Further Information:
Taiwan Today, Government Information Office 2010/05/27
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2010 08:05PM by gustav.