[Earthquake Science] Cross-Strait Cooperation on Earthquake Science (
Chinese Version)
China Times E-paper (2010/01/23) China and Taiwan respectively have just been through the earthquake catastrophes. Scholars of earthquake sciences in China and Taiwan have thus come to an agreement to cooperate on resolving the mechanisms of seismic activities under the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and National Science Council (NSC). In the initial proejct, Taiwan will contribute the drilling experience in the Chelongpu (Chelungpu) Fault after 921 earthquake to assist the drilling investigation in Lungmenshan (Longmenshan) Fault.
NSC Deputy Minister Cheng-Hong CHEN told the press that this cross-strait cooperation is the largest in scale ever. Most universities with faculties in relation to earthquake science in Taiwan and Academia Sinica will participate in the cooeperation. On the other, China Earthquake Administration will integrate the associated organizations to join in. After series of consultations, both parties agree on the framework of reciprocal cooperation, while Taiwan will contribute ten million NT dollars and China 2.5 million RMB on the coperation.
Further Information:
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Science Council
China Times E-paper 2010/01/23 (Chinese)
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2010 02:54PM by gustav.