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[Digital Museum] Academia Sinica Opens Exhibition of Digitalized Historical Resources for Sinological Research

Posted by techman 
[Digital Museum] Academia Sinica Opens Exhibition of Digitalized Historical Resources for Sinological Research (Chinese Version)

Academia Sinica Newsletter (2012/06/19) The Institute of History and Philology, the “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program” and “Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project” jointly opened a digital exhibition entitled “The Universal Vision of Taiwanese Humanities: Resources for Sinological Research in Taiwan and their Digitalization” on June 18, 2012. The exhibition is being held for one week from June 18 to 23 alongside the International Conference of Sinology. The opening ceremony will be held on June 19 at the Museum of the Institute of History and Philology and will be hosted by Vice President Fan-Sen WANG.

The exhibition highlights sinological materials in Taiwan, revealing their origins and characteristics in the context of the development of Taiwanese culture and scholarship. It showcases the traditions of the Han people in Taiwan, the tradition of scholarship that accompanied the Nationalist Government in its move to Taiwan six decades ago, and the continual growth and expansion of Taiwanese scholarship. The exhibits have been placed in six groups: official documents, ancient texts, rubbings and social documents, images and drama, material culture, Chinese language and characters, and maps and the geographic information system.

A number of academic institutions, museums and publishing houses accompanied the Nationalist Government during its retreat to Taiwan in 1949. They brought with them a great number of texts and artifacts. In many ways these items represented the highest achievements of the upper echelons of Chinese civilization from ancient times to the birth of modern China, and their arrival gave Taiwan access to the most rarified of classical Chinese cultural forms. Pieces on display include the “Monthly and Seasonal Records of Military Supplies from the Kuang-ti South Platoon in the Yuan-yuan Era”, which are widely regarded as the best preserved wooden slips of the Han Dynasty.

Advances in computer technology and the development of the internet over the past three decades have enabled scholars in Taiwan to undertake large-scale digitization of sinological archives. In this exhibition, six 65 inch LED screens constitute the main platform for the display of the historical relics. Visitors are able to access several key digital resources via the internet, and also check out the details about each cultural relic using tablet computers provided on desks in each section to enjoy a little fun of academic research.

The International Conference of Sinology held by Academia Sinica has long been one of the most important events in sinological research. This year, the “Fourth International Conference on Sinology” is being held from June 20 to 22, 2012.

For more information, please visit

Media contacts:
Mr. LIAO Yi-fang, Assistant Research Fellows, Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica roofwalk@asihp.net
(Tel) +886-2-2652-3176
Ms. Pearl HUANG, Office of Public Affairs, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinicapearlhuang@gate.sinica.edu.tw
(Tel) +886-2-2789-8820 (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551(M) 0912-831-188
Ms. Mei-Hui LIN, Office of Public Affairs, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw
(Tel) +886-2-2789-8821 (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551 (M) 0921-845-234

Academia Sinica Newsletter 2012/06/19

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2012 12:21PM by techman.