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[Aquaculture] Taiwan Innovates Vertical Integration in Aquaculture and Frozen AquaProduct Industry

Posted by techman 
[Aquaculture] Taiwan Innovates Vertical Integration in Aquaculture and Frozen AquaProduct Industry (Chinese Version)

Economic Daily (2011/11/18) A conference on new service models in aquaculture and frozen aquaproduct industries was hosted by Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC) on November 18.

The gross annual output value of the frozen aquaproduct in Taiwan reaches 5.5 billion NT dollars, and 70% of which comes from export, which means international trade takes an important portion in Taiwan's aquaculture industry. 52% of the frozen aquaproduct industries are located in South Taiwan, and 66 ones are in Kaohsiung, taking 40% of the whole industry. Under the project "Southern Taiwan Alliance of Researcher and Scholars (STARS)," which aims at promoting traditional industries' value-added innovations, an alliance of the research and development groups for animal feeds and frozen aquaproduct has been formed.

The alliance is now interested in providing a model of a vertical integration and an overall upgrade for the local aquaculture industries, trying to get the industries inline with the presently popular international standards or approaches that preventively address the product's physical, chemical, and biological hazards, such as HACCP or ISO 22000; the failure to meet these standards will bring about substantial restrictions to the international trade of food product.

The alliance is expected to develop the applications of freezing technology and the high-density neutral chlorine dioxide disinfection to aquaproduct, so that the sterilizing rate can be lifted above 99% while the freshness and texture of the product can be maintained. According to the groups involved, the new technology CAS (cells alive system) which can freeze the product without destroying the tissues and cells, can increase 60% of the frozen grouper's unit price and 50% of the frozen Taiwan tilapia's. To count with the present gav of Taiwan frozen grouper, one hundred million NT dollars, and that of Taiwan frozen tilapia, two billion NT dollars, a considerable growth of their gav's must be prospective.

Chi-Chuan HUANG, Chairman of MIRDC, also pointed out, the vertical integration between the feed providers and the aquaculture industries will rely on an information communication platform, with which the feedbacks of the realtime water temperature and water quality etc. can not only be used for the aquaculture management but also for the reference of feed providers when they need to reformulate the feeds.

Further Information:
Ecnomic Daily 2011/11/18 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2011 09:54PM by techman.